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SA Online conundrum

24 April 2008
Categories: News , Income Tax
Not possible to print a PDF version of clients' 2007-08 returns

Some readers are coming up against unexpected hitches when preparing their clients' 2007-08 self assessment tax returns using HMRC's SA Online.

For example, it is not possible to print a pdf version of the form. Advisers have to obtain the client's authority that the return is complete and correct, and a convenient way of doing this is to send a PDF version of the return for signature.

However, only a summary of the form can be printed, which is fine for the adviser but may not make much sense to the client.

When asked about this, a Revenue spokesperson said: 'Before submitting a return an agent must make a copy (electronic or paper) of the information in the return and have received confirmation from the client that the information is correct and complete to the best of their knowledge.

'This confirmation must be in writing, but can be in electronic or paper form.

'The HTML printout available using the HMRC SA Online product includes all information contained in the return and the IR Mark, which uniquely identifies that version of the return.

'This may be used by an agent for the purpose of making a copy of the information in the return and when obtaining the client's confirmation that this information is correct.

'We are currently exploring the introduction of a pdf version. This will not be in the same format as a paper return, but will include all the information that has been entered on the online return, the IR mark and a declaration box for the client to sign confirming that the information is correct.'

According to the Working Together e-services subgroup, 'HMRC are currently giving consideration to reinstating the PDF facility as they understand the need'.

Another reader pointed out that, confusingly, the agent's name, rather than the client's name, appears at the top of the online form. The e-services group has spoken to HMRC about this matter also and says:

'HMRC are aware of the issue regarding the agent's name appearing at the top of the form and are looking to have a fix in place shortly, certainly within the next couple of months.'

The extraordinary thing is that when the online services helpdesk was contacted about not being able to print a pdf of the return, the operator appeared to be as surprised as the adviser and could only surmise that the facility had been withdrawn.

Furthermore, HMRC have not updated their FAQs to take into account that it is not possible to print a pdf of the 2007-08 return.

It is unhelpful that HMRC did not inform taxpayers about withdrawing the pdf facility, but even more unhelpful that they have not yet updated their website to inform taxpayers about the change, or told their online helpdesk operators about it.

Categories: News , Income Tax
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