A valiant VAT adviser comes to a family’s rescue
How you can give comfort to vulnerable taxpayers on low incomes
A futuristic look at the past year in tax
Reach the highest bough of retirement after a career in tax
Does a written agreement constitute a trust and therefore allow a main residence exemption claim?
Does a donation towards the cost of a meal mean that input VAT can be recovered?
New wheels? Company status; LFH and ER; What is a uniform?
Is there a VAT liability when a gallery sells art on behalf of the artist?
Has a shareholder acquired control of a company through his role as a trustee?
The government will not proceed with plans for a new employee shareholding vehicle, it has been announced.
CRC v K Donaldson, Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber)
Ryanair v European Commission, General Court of the European Union
G Wedgwood (TC4148)