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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Issue: Vol 160, Issue 4132

1 Nov 2007
The option to tax rules cause common problems to many businesses. NEIL WARREN considers some of them and their solutions
MIKE TRUMAN looks at the recent case of Neil Martin Ltd v HMRC and asks when taxpayers can claim damages for Revenue delays and mistakes
Tax relief for income protection policies and the taxation of receipts can be confusing. PENNY BATES provides a brief explanation
Are big businesses and small businesses taxed in a completely different way? JOHN NEWTH suggests that they just might be
I read with interest your correspondence from an anonymous contributor entitled 'Outrageous; yes'. I have a story that is broadly similar
Can a disclosure in the white space be negligent?
Every paragraph
Do the money laundering rules apply to a private transaction?
I read with interest your article about Sybil
Is a distribution income or capital?
Can a cat be a benefit?
Company 1 is controlled by Mr A (51%) and Mr B (49%). A and B are otherwise unconnected. A also owns 100% of companies 2 and 3, and B owns 100% of company 4.
I am dealing with a discretionary trust set up following a successful medical negligence claim, the recipient being profoundly disabled. HMRC have confirmed that the provisions of IHTA 1984, s 89...
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