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Residence & domicile

Low-income groups face a 'bureaucratic nightmare', claims LITRG
MIKE TRUMAN gets to grips with the consultation document on residence, which proposes that a week spent in the UK will count as eight days
'Important core of people' wil be hardest hit by changes, warns finance veteran
At Christmas most of us dream of getting away. The editor is dreaming of his own Great Escape... from CHRIS WILLIAMS's annual article
There is a case for a statutory test of residence, asserts OWEN CLUTTON, in an article written before the latest consultation document was issued
But no relevant legislation - which is promised 'soon'.
Body calls for CGT changes for trusts and companies set up by the non-domiciled to be halted until they can be properly assessed
'Current law determining domicile status is a mess'
The case of Lee Barrett shows how much easier this job would be if it weren't for the clients, says MIKE TRUMAN
Around 143,000 individuals completing self-assessment returns have a residence or domicile status that would allow them to pay tax on the remittance basis, according to the Treasury
MIKE TRUMAN is not impressed by the unanimity between Conservative and Labour on the taxation of non-domiciles
PHILLIP DEARDEN reviews the potential impact of the Pre-Budget Report announcements
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