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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration


The Public Accounts Committee is wrong about the loaning of tax advisers to HMRC

Carr: corporate tax planning is about “responsible judgement”

Letter from office chair Jacks offers corrections

Attack on schemes threatens growth, warns tax expert

Savva and others (TC2625)

British overseas territories with significant financial centres have signed up to the government’s strategy to create global tax transparency.

Proposed changes for anti-avoidance rules relating to offshore structure

An invitation to improve parliament’s understanding of tax, in light of the latest report on avoidance

Platform will follow progress of plan against evasion

Figures show major increases in prosecutions and distraint

Overview of HMRC’s latest offshore initiatives against evasion and avoidance

HMRC have added another section to their website’s Spotlights area, which focuses on tax avoidance arrangements the department believes do not work. The latest is, numbered 18, concerns stripped bond schemes.

The First-tier Tribunal ruled in the Revenue’s favour in Malcolm Healey TC2591 and Philip Savva TC2625, two cases involving similar products marketed by banks as investments.

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