CRC v Pendragon plc and others, Court of Appeal
Fifteen-part action plan against base erosion and profit shifting
The government is consulting on proposals to address schemes where profit or loss allocations are manipulated within partnerships to reduce tax.
The consultation concerns disguised employment and profit and loss allocation schemes.
The aim – as announced in this year’s Budget – is to prevent tax loss arising from disguising employment relationships through limited liability partnerships, and from certain arrangements involving allocation of profits and losses among partnership members.
Politicians need to act against avoidance, as well as evasion, while public sympathy exists
Schemes involving business premises renovation allowance (BPRA) have been reported to HMRC through the disclosure of tax avoidance schemes regime and included on the department’s Spotlight service that provides details of abusive arrangements.
The BPRA is intended to support the regeneration of deprived regions of the UK by allowing business investors to claim a tax allowance for 100% of the amount they invest in converting or renovating empty premises.
Claim a £100 discount
The UK and USA have updated annex II of their agreement to implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).
The move will see a wider range of financial institutions and products become effectively exempt from FATCA’s requirements. The revised annex also provides greater clarity on the categories of bodies that will be non-reporting UK financial institutions treated as deemed-compliant.
Advisers may need to drop clients in the aftermath of the Mehjoo case
Lough Erne declaration will require sustained effort, leaders warned
A radical new approach to address high-profile tax avoidance
HMRC to tackle Project 2010
R Bretten (TC2604)