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The Revenue has moved to clarify its approach to tackling stamp duty land tax (SDLT) dodging.

The department’s action follows a meeting between the British Property Federation, the Chartered Institute of Taxation, the Law Society, the Stamp Taxes Practitioners’ Group and HMRC Stamp Taxes, to discuss SDLT group relief and the application of the targeted anti-avoidance rule in FA 2003, Sch 7 para 2(4A), in the context of intra-group asset transfers following corporate acquisitions.

Scotts Atlantic Management Ltd (in members’ voluntary liquidation) and others (TC2704)

It is a misconception that changes to professional guidance have a place in the fight against abusive avoidance

The proposals for introducing the automatic exchange of information between UK sovereign tax havens and HMRC

Think carefully about the costs, advises Revenue

DV3 RS Ltd Partnership v CRC, Court of Appeal

The UK’s corporate tax set-up “urgently needs reform” to put a halt to the “serious problem of avoidance” it faces, according to a new parliamentary report.

The system’s complexity and inconsistencies with the wider international tax framework undermine the public’s trust by allowing big companies to shift profits between countries in ways that reduce their liabilities in the UK, claims the document from the House of Lords’ Select Committee on Economic Affairs.

Time for greater transparency by multinationals over their use of tax havens

CRC v Pendragon plc and others, Court of Appeal

Fifteen-part action plan against base erosion and profit shifting

Politicians need to act against avoidance, as well as evasion, while public sympathy exists

The government is consulting on proposals to address schemes where profit or loss allocations are manipulated within partnerships to reduce tax.

The consultation concerns disguised employment and profit and loss allocation schemes.

The aim – as announced in this year’s Budget – is to prevent tax loss arising from disguising employment relationships through limited liability partnerships, and from certain arrangements involving allocation of profits and losses among partnership members.

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