The European Parliament is set to set up a special parliamentary committee to look into European Union member states’ tax rulings and “other measures similar in nature or effect”, and to make recommendations for the future.
The committee was agreed upon last week in the wake of a series of investigations by the European Commission (EC) into tax rulings for multinational companies in Luxembourg, Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands.
J Arnfield (TC4261)
Employers will not incur penalties for delays of up to three days in filing PAYE information, HMRC have confirmed.
There will be no changes to the submission deadlines, and employers with fewer than 50 employees will still be subject to late-filing fines from 6 March. But late-payment sanctions will be reviewed on a risk-assessed basis, rather than issued automatically.
The Revenue intends to next month close about 15,000 PAYE schemes that have not made a report since April 2013 and appear to have ceased, in an effort yo prevent unnecessary penalties being issued.
M Higgins (TC4259)
The changing rules for community amateur sports clubs
Think-pieces for the next seven days
What pension-holders aged 55 and over should do ahead of 5 April
J Dhariwal (TC4254)
Revenue addresses evasion controversy
A Kolek (TC4253)
W Pendle (TC4240)
M Allan v CRC, Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber)