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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

John Woolley

John Woolley is a director of Trustee Support Services Ltd (TSS). This company assists trustees to register their trusts on the TRS. TSS can be contacted by email at John is also the author of Financial planning with trusts, published by Claritax Books.



The charges that arise on bypass trusts.

Latest changes to the pension contributions annual allowance.

The new residence nil rate band.

The revised treatment of pension death benefits

The inheritance tax implications of pension trusts

Dealing with the effects of reduced pension allowances

The tax benefits of using trusts outside of the UK are limited, finds JOHN WOOLLEY
The change to the pensions carry-forward rules is explained by JOHN PAGE and JOHN WOOLLEY
Are withdrawals from insurance bonds income for IHT purposes? JOHN WOOLLEY has HMRC’s definitive answer
JOHN WOOLLEY explains the current tax situation applying to lump sum inheritance tax schemes
JOHN WOOLLEY considers the complications caused by the impact of new perpetuity rules on pension by-pass trusts
JOHN WOOLLEY examines perpetuity periods and accumulation periods of spousal by-pass trusts
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