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Since 1927 the leading authority on tax law, practice and administration

Andrew Hubbard

Andrew Hubbard is editor in chief of Taxation magazine, published by LexisNexis and has a wider editorial role across many Tolley publications. Andrew initially trained as an inspector of taxes before joining the tax profession. He has worked in a ‘big four’ environment and was a partner in BDO Stoy Hayward and then Tenon before becoming a partner at RSM – a role from which he recently stepped down. He is also past president of both the  CIOT and ATT. Email:

Politicians’ virtue signalling is detrimental.
Seeds of change
Balance between HMRC powers and safeguards
Capital gains tax is all around us
Important to consult on contentious areas.
How can anybody know who pays the most tax?
Death of the tax return is not nigh ... yet
Online reporting requirement fantasies
Reliability of future MTD systems is essential
Success can be yours
HMRC customer service – it can’t go on like this
Finally, film tax relief seems to be working
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