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Tax simplification must remain a priority

20 November 2023
Issue: 4914 / Categories: News

In September 2023 the professional bodies - the Chartered Institute of Taxation Association of Taxation Technicians Low Incomes Tax Reform Group Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland - jointly wrote to the (then) financial secretary to the Treasury Victoria Atkins about tax simplification. Extracts from Ms Atkins' response follow.

‘The government remains committed to simplifying the tax system while balancing simplification against other objectives for the tax system such as fairness and supporting growth. At Spring Budget the chancellor announced the first steps of this work including a range of improvements to make it easier for businesses – especially small businesses – to interact with the tax system and I have committed to provide annual updates on the progress on simplification to the Treasury Select Committee.


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