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2024 Chartered Tax Advisers’ Address

24 June 2024 / Jamie Presland
Issue: 4942 / Categories: Comment & Analysis , UK Tax Professionals , Admin
Rise of artificial intelligence

Key points

  • Programs like ChatGPT have brough the artificial intelligence (AI) into the public consciousness.
  • AI can help employ tax rules underpinned by online marketplaces or payment providers.
  • Automation and augmentation can help with advisers’ workloads.
  • AI could play a part in changing the way taxes are designed.

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) will ‘inevitably’ impact the tax world but humans will still be needed to oversee the evolution of the technology.

That was one of the main takeaways from this year’s Chartered Tax Advisers’ Address which took place on Wednesday 5 June in central London.

The event was chaired by new CIOT president Charlotte Barbour with guest speaker Conrad Young a former chief digital officer at Deloitte and chair of the Oxford Internet Institute’s advisory board. Responding to Young’s remarks were Bivek Sharma chief technology officer for PwC UK and Shan Sun tax...

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