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In brief

20 October 2015
Issue: 4523 / Categories: News

Payrolling; Child trust fund; VAT; Phishing; Exam success 


HMRC have opened the payrolling benefits-in-kind online service for registration. Employers wishing to use the service to payroll employee expenses and benefits instead of submitting forms P11D in 2016/17 must register by 5 April 2016. Draft PAYE regulations for the new arrangements were published in July 2015.

Child trust fund

The latest issue of HMRC’s Child Trust Fund Bulletin includes articles on lifestyling and includes a link to the lifestyling of child trust fund consultation document (which closes on 14 December 2015).


VAT notices 700/11: Cancelling your registration and 700/1: Should I be registered for VAT? have been updated. 


HMRC have updated their guidance on how to recognise...

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