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In brief: DOTAS hallmarks; place of supply; SDLT in Wales...

23 July 2013
Issue: 4412 / Categories: News

...Finance Act 2013; tax credits; toolkits updated

DOTAS hallmarks

A technical note, including draft regulations that amend the confidentiality hallmark and introduce a new employment hallmark, as proposed in the 2012 “Lifting the lid on tax avoidance schemes” consultation, have been published. Comments are invited by 28 August.

Place of supply

Telecommunications, broadcasting and e-commerce businesses trading across EU borders will be affected by changes to the place of supply rules on 1 January 2015. HMRC are asking for taxpayers’ views on the changes and on the introduction of the VAT mini one stop shop (MOSS) online service being launched to help businesses.

SDLT in Wales

The government will consult on the proposed devolution of stamp duty land tax to the National Assembly for Wales, chief secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander has confirmed.

Finance Act 2013

Following agreement by both Houses on the text of the Bill, it received Royal Assent on 17 July and now an Act of Parliament.

Tax credits

Tax credits claimants must renew their claims by 31 July. Failure to do so may result in their payments being stopped.

Toolkits updated

HMRC have completed the annual refresh of the agent toolkits relating to direct and indirect taxes. All the risks addressed are up to date and include the department’s latest thinking. Technical specialists, risk and intelligence officers, and Revenue accountants have reviewed each risk. The taxman reports that two milestones were reached in June:

  • 340,000th download
  • 65,000th property rental toolkit downloaded; the most downloaded of the toolkits.
Issue: 4412 / Categories: News
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