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Tax evasion hotline goes online

24 September 2009
Issue: 4225 / Categories: News , Admin
Standardised form must be completed in 15 mins

HMRC have added an online facility to their tax evasion hotline, allowing web users to report suspected tax dodgers via an ‘information report form’.

The new offering – which must be completed and submitted within 15 minutes, after which time the standardised form will reset – builds on what the Revenue calls its ‘cross-tax approach to compliance’, helping to identify high-risk evasion cases, be they individuals or businesses.

‘Clamping down on those who try to cheat the system through evading taxes is a key priority,’ said HMRC, who have recovered more than £42 million since 2005 as a result of information received directly from members of the public through the department’s confidential hotlines.

Stephen Timms, the financial secretary to the Treasury, remarked: ‘We are committed to ensuring the tax system operates fairly and efficiently, and encourage anyone to share their information on activities they think may be unlawful.

‘Reporting your concerns online is quick and easy. By doing so you will be helping us to catch people who are unfairly competing with honest businesses and denying funding for essential public services.’

The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group suggested that the new online facility be extended to allow users to express their dispelasure with the Revenue.

'For some years LITRG have been campaigning for HMRC to be able to receive complaints by email where people are having difficulties with Revenue services,' said the organisation, which represents taxpayers who cannot afford to pay for tax advice.

'In the past our proposal has been said to be “a good idea”, but... it is has always been rejected because HMRC have also said that they did not have the technology to put it in place securely.

'[Following the taxman's] technological breakthrough... we now look forward to the introduction of a similar facility for complainants, be it for mainstream tax or for tax credits and child benefit.'

Issue: 4225 / Categories: News , Admin
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