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More consultations on HMRC powers

13 July 2009
Issue: 4214 / Categories: News , HMRC powers , Admin
New documents cover specialist information and compliance checks

Two new consultation documents on HMRC powers, deterrents and safeguards have been published.

The first, Modernising powers, deterrents and safeguards: bulk and specialist information powers, relates to two key areas:

  • Bulk information powers that allow the Revenue to gather specific pieces of information about a group of taxpayers for use in risk analysis. For example: interest paid by banks without deducting tax.
  • Specialist unnamed taxpayer powers that entitle HMRC, in certain tightly-described circumstances, to ask for information from a third party about an unnamed taxpayer: to check a transaction where it’s not clear who the relevant taxpayer is, for instance.

The second document, Modernising powers, deterrents and safeguards: excise: modernisation and compliance checks, looks at ideas for a new and modernised excise-checking framework, as well as ways of improving excise administrative procedures to reduce burdens for businesses.

The proposals cover excise duties on alcohol, tobacco, energy products, gambling duties and air passenger duty.

The documents are available on the HMRC website. Responses should be sent by 1 October 2009 via email or in the post: HMRC Powers Review, Room 1/72, 1st Floor, 100 Parliament Street, London SW1A 2BQ.

Issue: 4214 / Categories: News , HMRC powers , Admin
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