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More TIPs on

20 December 2007 / Mike Truman
Categories: News

Download three new packages via our Free View section

Three more Tactical and Information Packages (TIPs) are now available on

Users can download them as Word documents by clicking the Related Links on this page, or visiting the site's Free View section.

Trades and professions covered are:

  • GPs
  • IT consultants 
  • Restaurants and takeaways

(NB: all three documents will download as 'yourfile'. They will overwrite each other unless you rename them.)

Last month, HMRC pulled the nine TIPs it had already published on their online service, citing only 'a review of our public policy' and offering no other explanation.

However, following a successful Freedom of Information (FoI) Act enquiry by Taxation editor Mike Truman, the Revenue produced the new trio of packages.

An article will appear in Taxation and on early in the new year, covering some of the key points. And more TIPs are expected to follow.

HMRC has explained that their reason for taking down the web-based packages was because of a legal complaint.

The department added: 'Although prepared to defend ourselves, it was quite clear that a significant amount of resource would be required to deal with the matter, the resource that would then be diverted from actually supporting our officers in the field.

'The decision was therefore taken to withdraw the current project whilst we considered a more effective way to make the information available.'

No further information on the nature of the legal complaint or the complainant was given. These details are considered by HMRC as exempt under section 41(1) of the FoI Act.

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