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IHT reform: we were there first

11 October 2007
Categories: News , Inheritance Tax
Taxation was months ahead of the Chancellor

It was, to mangle a well-known tabloid phrase, Taxation wot did it.

This week, the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced changes to inheritance tax rules that will have seemed awfully familiar to regular readers of this magazine.

In his Pre-Budget Report speech to the Commons, Alistair Darling pledged that, with immediate effect, IHT allowance will be transferable between spouses and those in civil partnerships.

Back in March this year, we ran an article called 'A new broom' in which contributor the Rt. Hon. Lord Burnett called for major IHT reforms, advocating that 'married couples and civil partners [be allowed] to transfer their unused nil rate band exemption on the first death'.

And that's not the only similarity between Lord Burnett's suggestions and Mr Darling's latest moves. Spot more by clicking the above links to the original feature and the highlights of the PBR.

We don't know if the Chancellor is a Taxation subscriber - but we certainly hope he pays for his copy if he's going to keep making use of our writers' ideas.

Categories: News , Inheritance Tax
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