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Waiver worry

19 October 2006
Issue: 4080 / Categories: Forum & Feedback
My client, A is controlling director of company X. Several years ago he and an unrelated person, B, invested in an unrelated, company (Z), each acquiring 50% of the shares and agreeing to advance long term loans to the company. A shareholders' agreement provided for total equality between A and B in respect of their investment into the company and all other matters; all loan repayments would also be equal. A and B were appointed directors. Equal funds were later advanced, but A's contributions were made earlier and, to avoid a disparity in the interest due, he waived the excess.

Three years ago company Z started to repay the loans and interest but the interest waivers were overlooked and the last three accounts show a disparity in the loan capital balances and that a higher sum is due to A.
Following an HMRC enquiry the interest amounts were re-calculated and the correct loan accounts were restated in the following accounts. However HMRC are claiming that the additional sum ostensibly due to A (due to the additional interest accrued) gives him control and makes X an associated company. If correct significant additional tax will arise on X due to the loss of marginal relief.
My view is that the parties' always intended that they would be on equal terms. I think TA 1988 s 416(2)(c) supports our contention that any distribution of assets must follow the actual legal entitlement and not that which...

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