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Informer nation

23 March 2006
Issue: 4050 / Categories: Comment & Analysis , Admin
STEPHEN CAMM and IAIN SANDERSON review HMRC's desire to see informers play a leading role in tackling tax evasion and the likely impact of its latest campaign to stamp out tax crime.

MARCH 2006 MARKED the month when HMRC stepped up its campaign to encourage individuals voluntarily to report their suspicions of tax evasion. The campaign was prefaced some months ago with press and radio advertisements but has now increased in intensity with the showing of a 30-second television advertisement; see 'HMRC's TV campaign to catch tax evaders' Update and Whistleblower Taxation 9 March 2006 pages 577 and 593 respectively. This is a significant move by HMRC which has been driven by a need to stamp out tax evasion and alienate those operating in the reputed £75 billion a year black economy.
While perpetuating some traditional stereotyping the advertisement nevertheless conveys a compelling message with which few can disagree. HMRC chairman Sir David Varney on the launch of the campaign is quoted as saying:

'By far the majority of people...

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