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Technology supplement 2005

30 January 2006 / Allison Plager
Issue: 4033 / Categories:
ALLISON PLAGER introduces the 2005 Taxation technology supplement

COMPUTERS: LOVE THEM, hate them, most of us cannot do without them and possibly would not want to do without them. For tax professionals, tax software can take the pain out of tax return completion and tax liability calculations, freeing up time to deal with more rewarding work such as tax planning and other financial advisory work.

Taxation's annual technology supplement looks at a wide range of tax software, providing contact details of a variety of the products on the market, together with an independent report on what each package does. The reports are designed to give readers an overview of a product, rather than provide an in-depth explanation of the software, and further information should always be obtained from the software providers.
Potential purchasers can also obtain valuable information from other users of a particular product, particularly with regard to practicalities, for example how reliable the product is, how helpful and effective is the support offered, whether updates come out in good time. Names of existing users will usually be supplied if requested by the software providers.

Know your needs

It is important to know what you want the software to do and how much money you are prepared to pay for it. For example, if you want a full-on personal tax system which deals with all aspects of self assessment and what if scenarios, this will be considerably more expensive than a simple form filler and tax calculation package.
There are many suppliers of personal tax self assessment software ranging from multi-national companies to two or three-man companies. Across the board many names are well-known and with the notable exception of TaxCalc, have remained stable for some time. However, after Intuit decided it would no longer support TaxCalc, the product was bought by another company and has been back in full production for some months. Key staff have moved with the software, which means that it has retained its longstanding record of efficiency. It is certainly good for the marketplace that TaxCalc has stayed on the scene since it serves the smaller end of the market which benefits as much from having a choice of providers as the higher end.
It is increasingly difficult to pinpoint the markets served by the providers as nearly all of them say that their software can be used by any firm of any size. However, it is reasonable to say that software provided by CCH Software, Deloitte, Iris, MYOB and Sage is particularly suitable for practitioners who want comprehensive packages with wide functionality. Loosely speaking, the more mid-range providers include Digita, Drummohr, Forbes, LKA, PTP, Quality Management Software and Taxshield. Their products are reliable, effective and suitable for most sized firms. At the more basic end of the market are providers such as Taxcalc and Keytime. These products are straightforward, and do what they say they will do, without too many optional extras in the way of administration or planning.
The IT Faculty of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales launched its accreditation for personal and partnership tax software in 2004. The idea is to provide comprehensive, independent information about software packages. The information is free to members and non-members of the ICAEW; see
Providers have to submit an enormous amount of detailed information when applying for accreditation and reach a very high standard to gain it. Digita's Taxability Pro was the first self assessment program to receive accreditation. In addition, LexisNexis Personal and Business Tax, IRIS's full suite of products, and APS Advance (practice management) have achieved accreditation. At the time of collating information for this supplement, Sage said that it was 'actively pursuing' accreditation.

Final word on ELS

The HMRC said that they will no longer support the electronic lodgement service from 31 March 2006 and indeed are promising to improve the functionality of the online filing service (see 'Farewell, ELS', Taxation 6 October 2005, page 1 for more details). While this is hardly surprising, given the expense of supporting two electronic filing services, ELS had its vocal supporters and it will be interesting to see if most of them turn to the new improved online filing service or revert to submitting paper returns.

Risk, reward, failure

These are emotive words, but do they apply to tax practitioners and the software that they use, asks JERRY RIHLL, director of Digita.

TAX PROFESSIONALS EXIST in a rapidly changing environment. Methods of working and software solutions that were adequate a few years ago now need to be re-examined. If practitioners do not take the risk of changing software in order to reap the rewards of new technology, they could face the risk of business failure.

Do you need to risk change?

Try examining your current working methods and your software solution. If your working methods have not changed for ten years and the software you use has similarly not changed, then your systems for dealing with the rigours of self assessment have failed to adapt from those methods you used in the prior, more relaxed regime. If that is the case, and often it is, your own business critical systems in one of the highest risk areas of your practice, are ten years out of date. If a client had an operational method that was ten years' old you would be justifiably concerned about the survival of their business, yet many practitioners fall into the same trap without realising it.

How much risk are you taking?

Smaller firms tend to take larger risks as they do not have the resources to implement processing systems that include risk management, so the staff control the risk.
Software technology is available that will offer a workflow process to highlight and control risk. The concept of workflow process is simple to grasp and is widely available; most software offers tax return tracking systems and/or systems that monitor critical events such as filing or payment dates. These systems are welcome but not new, they have been available in various forms for many years and they pre-date self assessment.

Why not look further?

Look for software that has a workflow monitoring system that is foolproof for the data entry staff but can also give managers a clear view of progress to date. To be useful, software needs to do additional things that people tend not to look for. Critical dates that are required to monitor workflow should be, as far as possible, driven by the software not the users, so that managers do not have to rely on the accuracy of the data entry staff. If your software relies on the manager to remember to go and run a progress report, you should upgrade it, so that every time they log on the software prompts them to examine workflow progress and monitor impending critical dates.

Beyond workflow management

There are software solutions where high risk areas are effectively de-risked by the software. The obvious high risk area for all taxation software is the tax return review process. Omissions and errors in tax returns trigger investigations from HMRC and are doubly embarrassing since the client always gets to know; to say nothing of the risk of client litigation if HMRC levies penalties and interest charges. Surprisingly, few software solutions are available. One or two will scan the tax return box contents and compare it with the immediately prior tax return and highlight differences, a very useful aid to the reviewer, but why stop there?
Technology is available now where a comparison of incomes and outgoings is made at each instance of income level. This gives the immediate advantage that a difference is highlighted not just in a total (that could contain many income sources), but at the point at which it occurs, thus saving large amounts of time. Most review work is still done by comparing one paper based tax return with another, a laborious and error prone process undertaken by some of the most expensive staff in the practice. Using the latest technology, you can save time, cut risk and improve the quality of the work of the review staff. If your current software lacks this technology, you need to ask yourself if this is not a reason to consider change.
There is more risk in tax compliance than incorrect tax returns. There is the risk that preparing the return presents to the tax professional in terms of the potential for client litigation and failure to give best advice. Every practice has a different risk profile; if you specialise in Lloyd's underwriters as a practice then such a client presents little risk to you; if you specialise in small traders then a Lloyd's underwriter presents a significant risk as you are unfamiliar with the issues.

Risk management

Does your software allow you to measure and highlight risk of this kind? Should you consider acquiring risk management software?
Many of the international firms in the UK have already done this. If this software is too expensive for you then see what client configuration options are available in your current tax software. A number of solutions will allow you to configure your own client categories for reports. Other solutions offer risk profiling based both upon the nature of the client and the content of the tax return and even provide the ability to ascribe financial values to risk scores. This opens the possibility of charging the client, not on the traditional time spent basis, but on the basis of the actual contents of the tax return itself.
A number of new entrants into the tax return preparation market, particularly those with financial services backgrounds, are taking this approach. These types of solutions can also offer the ability to highlight changes in the affairs of a client that will allow the user to sell an additional value added service to that client.
Does your software have these types of facilities fully integrated into the workflow process?
Some offer tracking or diary systems that sit alongside the data entry aspect of the software. But this type of facility offers little more than a spreadsheet solution. Consider solutions where the various devices on offer form part of a clearly visible workflow and dashboard. Software that communicates effectively with the user has an edge. This can take the form of effective validation of data as it is keyed in. This type of facility is now common but the extent of it does vary widely even in high end solutions. An immediate validation by the software is more time efficient than where a validation process is performed at the end of the data processing. Beware of solutions that only apply the HMRC electronic filing validation rules as they will only trap basic situations. Ideally, you should look for software that has a comprehensive validation technology that discourages user error.
However, communication extends to more than validation; old-fashioned software uses reports, but recent technological advances now permit a software dashboard-style interface that can constantly remind users of issues and which can also immediately update based on the activities of the user. This technology is highly desirable as information is less easily overlooked and not just a matter of routine. As readers will know, once any compliance activity becomes a routine it immediately becomes ineffective.


Integration between differing software solutions particularly personal tax, corporation tax and final accounts is desirable, as is integration between practice management and all tax and accounting software. However, do not buy solely for this reason as the benefits of such integration do not outweigh poorly performing or inadequate software. The average UK citizen moves house once every seven years so an efficient update of contact details will save a few seconds of time only on each occasion that your client moves house.
Consider the ability to move financial data between solutions. This is very pertinent for personal tax where the self assessment tax return demands data extracts from the accounts and is also a point for corporation tax with the increasing need for deferred tax calculations. However, you should ensure that the changes made outside your specialised department do not flow through automatically without your prior approval. For example, the accounts staff might decide to extend an accounting period, without appreciating the tax complexities that would cause.
Financial data integration is also more significant since it is more detailed and therefore carries a greater risk of error, and it is an annual event. When examining integration, you should be very wary of non-industry standard technologies. Taxation software in particular contains a large amount of data that takes a lot of effort to create and maintain. It is also your data and you should always be confident that you can get at it, particularly if you want to change software provider.
If you do change software, full data transfers are rarely available although most vendors will offer partial solutions that can save you very significant amounts of time. Your best chance of this type of facility being available will arise if the underlying database technology is a recognised industry standard. Most software in the accountancy market now uses Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE (also known as Microsoft SQL Server Express), which is an industry standard database whose open nature allows interrogation and extraction of data. If your suppler uses a non-standard database you may well be dependant on their co-operation if you choose to change providers.

More than compliance

The next challenge for the accountancy software market will be to try to move the solutions from the current position of being a mere compliance tool to the point at which the software proactively encourages the user to get a correct solution. Validation of data is a part of this but this is reactive rather than pro-active. The first signs of such attempts appeared recently and take the form of lists of things the software marks up as required for action. Many of these are generalised rather then specific and still tend to take the form of a printed list that the user has to remember to read but they are still a move in the right direction.
Recent developments have seen the introduction of devices permanently visible in the user dashboard that prompts the user to consider potential issues. These technologies, if they are specific to the affairs of the client, can dramatically improve the quality of data entry. Some of the more sophisticated devices can also highlight tax planning opportunities.

So, what now?

A simple checklist based on your knowledge of your current software will quickly tell you what is missing. A thorough demonstration of a potential new solution followed by a trial period with a structured review process will help evaluate alternatives. A significant amount of information is published for those applications that have been accredited by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. This information is available in a structured and easily accessible format and can be obtained from the ICAEW IT Faculty via its website,

All the following reviews are written by Allison Plager

Income tax

The many software packages which deal with income tax vary widely in functionality, as the following reviews show.

Acorah Software Products
TaxCalc underwent something of a hiatus early in 2005, when its maker, Intuit, decided to stop supporting it. A knight in shining armour appeared in the guise of Acorah Software Products which rescued TaxCalc and put it back on the production line. TaxCalc initially gained fame as a Which? produced self assessment software package.
TaxCalc Pro was completely rewritten and relaunched on 1 May 2005. It allows an unlimited number of clients, and is very competitively priced. The package prepares and produces both the personal and partnership tax returns, together with all the supplementary pages, including Lloyd's underwriters and ministers of religion. Data can be entered in interview format, or directly onto the return forms. Navigator panels allow data entry via a series of pick-lists. A tax summary shows the taxpayer's total liability, and additional pages provide a complete breakdown of how the figures are reached and the payments on account. Form SA303 for reducing payments on account can also be produced. The package copes with capital gains tax computations and some 'what if' planning, but not with pension or change of accounting date planning. Data is carried forward year on year. Returns can be filed using the online filing service.
TaxCalc Pro is a straightforward self assessment software program which is easy to use. Planning features are few, but the software's keen price reflects that, and it is aimed principally at small to medium sized firms, non-tax professionals, tax shops, etc, who may be less interested in products with lots of planning features. TaxCalc Lite, aimed at members of the public, can be downloaded from the Internet, but the main programme comes on CD-ROM, with updates via a TaxCalc Live Update function.
TaxCalc Pro Suite (CT) was launched in July 2005 and is a simple corporation tax form filler with a few extras. The product mimics the structure of the income tax product. Information can be entered using an interview process or by direct form entry. All forms are covered. The software handles the non-corporate distribution charge and marginal rate relief. No business calculations regarding accounting periods can be done and it is not targeted at groups. Returns can be filed online.
The software comes with a manual, online help screens and a free support line.
Contact: Sales
Address:  Acorah Software Products, Crowthorne Enterprise Centre, Corwthorne Business Estate, Old Wokingham Road, Crowthorne, RG45 6AW
Tel: 08707 669935
Cost: TaxCalc Pro - £125; TaxCalc Pro Suite CT - £200
Rec spec: Windows 98SE+; Pentium 4; 128mb RAM; 100mb hard disk space

Advanced Professional Solutions Ltd
Founded in New Zealand in 1991, Advanced Professional Solutions (APS) produces a practice management system, Advance Practice Management, which can be linked to other SQL based software solutions, including Digita's Taxability Pro and CoTax Pro, MYOB's PerTAX, CCH Taxpoint, CCH Gains, and Tax Computer System Ltd's AlphaTax, using Advance Fusion. Forming partnerships with other software houses is central to the company's strategy, and to this end, APS has joined Digita to deliver taxation solutions.
Advance is a powerful practice management system with its functionality flowing from a central client database. It deals with timesheet processing, work in progress management, workflow, billing, client marketing and performance measurement. The aim of the software is to allow the user to work more efficiently by giving him quicker access to existing information, reduce the time spent on arduous but necessary tasks, such as fee generation, and let him to use the information to enhance his business. Advance was the first practice management solution to be accredited by the ICAEW.
APS has many well-known organisations among its clients. These include Mazars, Deloitte, Menzies, Saffery Champness, Armstrong Watson, Hazlewoods, Pricecroft Redman, Goodman Jones, Chiene & Tait and Simpkins Edwards.
Contact: Sharon Goksaran
Address: Advanced Professional Solutions Ltd, Castle Court, 41 London Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 9RJ
Tel: 0870 351 4878
Cost: price on application
Rec spec: Windows 2000 Professional and above; 256mb RAM; 100mb hard disk space

CCH Software
CCH Software is a leading supplier of tax software, and has produced tax and accountancy software under different names, i.e. FDS and Data Sciences, and ownership for over 25 years. It has approximately 1,200 named firms using its products in differing combinations. CCH Software is a subsidiary of the publishing company Wolters Kluwer (UK) Ltd, and was acquired by Wolters Kluwer in 2000.
CCH Taxpoint is the personal tax product well-known to many practitioners. It does everything the user could want with regard to all aspects of self assessment. It handles the full range of personal tax self assessment related HMRC forms, including MPs, ministers of religion and Lloyd's underwriters, and produces backing schedules and computations, plus all working sheets. The user can add free-format spreadsheet schedules, which allow for more flexible analysis with direct intelligent linking of data to the tax return. The user enters information directly on to the on-screen return, by drilling down, or using the traditional menu system. Client data is carried forward each year. A 'Fast Path Window' enables the user to see what items were included in the previous year's return, or the same information is indicated by an asterisk against the appropriate forms of income on the drop down menus. Outstanding matters can be flagged up using the notes facility.
The software can be used for a wide range of 'what if' planning, pension planning, change of year end planning, etc. The tax calculation is produced automatically, along with the relevant statements of account, and the form SA303 to reduce payments on account is also available. A built in administration system monitors the client's progress. The system can be password protected at various levels. Letters can be written either using the library of standard letters which can be personalised, or created using the letter generator. 5 April questionnaires can be produced, in bulk if required, for each client to request tax return information; CCH e-Tax provides the on-line alternative to this.
The business tax module automates the process of calculating the tax accounts of a sole trader. It deals with changes of accounting date and cessations, and has an asset register for capital allowances.
The partnership module produces partnership returns and supplementary pages. It has the facility to manage the production of the partnership statement and conveniently integrates with the personal tax system if partners are also personal tax clients, while also being able to cope with partners who are not held on the same system. The program handles partnerships of any size and complexity, and links in Excel spreadsheets where needed.
The software handles both e-filing and electronic lodgement, with approximately one-third of clients using each option in 2004-05.
The capital gains and dividend scheduling service, CCH Gains, has been developed over many years, and originated as a main frame bureau service until it was transformed in 1999 into the current interactive Windows version. It automates the preparation of investment income and capital gains schedules, taking into account dividend payments, scrip issues, reorganisations, mergers, take-overs, de-mergers, and produces dividend, capital gains tax and accrued interest schedules to support the tax return. All existing and previous capital gains tax legislation is included. The securities database is updated centrally by CCH, and users download up-to-date databases by visiting the Gains download area of the CCH website. The modular pricing and flexible usage options make CCH Gains suitable for any sized practice. It is also linked with CCH British Tax Library. Gains was highly commended for the LexisNexis best tax software award in 2003.
CCH PROcost handles the practice management, dealing with time and fees, etc.
CCH Trust deals with trust and estate work, catering for a range of trusts, including accumulation and maintenance, discretionary, interest in possession, bare trusts and estates. The relevant calculations are done automatically, and take into account the rules relating to personal representatives, trustees of unauthorised unit trusts and trustees liable at the rate applicable to trusts. CCH Trust Plus copes with more complicated aspects of trusts work. For example, it allows for automatic allocation of beneficiaries income, produces the relevant form R185, as well as a traditional style tax computation and backing schedules to supplement the tax return.
CCH TaxManager reviews the tax return. It interrogates the tax return data with a view to assessing the client's exposure to an HMRC enquiry by comparing the current return with that of the previous year. Discrepancies are shown in a report, which can be customised and sent to the client. The tax return is brought in electronically, which allows the module to be used in conjunction with other tax return software packages provided that they support electronic filing. TaxManager has been developed in conjunction with IRPC Taxation Services and includes a free call to the IRPC helpline as well as limited access to Tax Investigations Reporter. Based on the review of the data, it also evaluates business performance with inbuilt performance indicators. TaxManager won the Taxation Awards best software award in May 2004.
Taxpoint and TaxManager contain automated links to CCH Tax Investigations Reporter, CCH British Tax Library, and CCH Business Focus, so users who subscribe to these publications can access relevant information at the click of a button. Users who do not subscribe to them reach a static screen help.
CCH e-Tax is an Internet data collection tool which can be used to obtain personal client details, tax return information, etc. electronically. It uses a question and answer system based on the client's previous tax return, allowing the client to provide the information when he wants to and from any location, e.g., home or office. Help and validation are available throughout the questionnaire. It feeds data into Taxpoint which in turn updates e-Tax with new sources of income on a yearly basis. E-Tax can also be used to send the tax return electronically to a client for him to authorise or to supply any outstanding information; the return can be sent as a pdf file so that he has a visual version of the electronic file, but cannot make any changes himself. The accountant can customise e-Tax's appearance as he wants, and it can be hosted either from the user's website or from CCH.
Another tool is CCH CLIENTadvisor. This is effectively a financial planning service which is aimed at helping clients improve the financial performance of their business
CCH ProSystem is an integrated suite of products, which enables the user to construct the modules he needs to create an integrated software environment. It includes a single, central database for all client information which allows information to be managed more effectively, and to be used for marketing purposes. Existing users of CCH software can incorporate the existing modules into the system, so that applications are not duplicated and costs are kept down.
CCH CLIENTrelate integrates the CCH software technology with CCH Information, identifying news items or legislative changes which could affect clients. An e-mail alert is then sent, searching the client database and highlighting any clients who might be affected.
CCH Pension is the self administered pension scheme tax return system aimed particularly at accountants and pensioneer trustees. This handy package deals with the returns, relevant supplementary pages and automatic calculation for any tax liability for HMRC approved self administered pension schemes required to submit tax returns.
CCH Software uses a true open database system, which means that data is imported and exported in real time to and from packages using a variety of common technologies as well as comprehensive API tools. This makes them particularly flexible, and able to integrate not only with each other, but many other software packages.
All modules come with electronic manuals and on-line help. There is also a telephone help-line, and at least 15 people support the products. User groups, newsletters, online knowledge base, e-mail bulletin service, seminar programmes, and product review groups are offered. Training on how to use the software can be arranged for an additional cost.
Contact: Sales Administration
Address: CCH Software, Cleary Court, Church Street East, Woking, Surrey GU21 6HJ
Tel: 01483 775070 Fax: 01483 775080
Cost: Price on application. Products are priced according to modules included, number of users and number of cases.
Rec spec: Windows 2000/XP Prof; Pentium III upwards; 128mb RAM; 1gb hard disk space

Deloitte offers a number of different software products, as are featured throughout this supplement. It is a substantial operation with, at the time of writing, 29 programmers directly engaged on software development. The software is used throughout the firm so effectively has instant and on-site user appraisal.
The Abacus income tax package comprises three modules: personal tax, trust and partnership. The Internet Organiser option is available to simplify the data collection process and link to pay-as-you-earn and benefit systems. The modules are used throughout the Deloitte tax practice to produce over 20,000 tax returns, and the software is also licensed to several external clients. There are no minimum or maximum client limits.
Data can be entered either directly to the on-screen return form, or using standard tax calculation schedules. Users can design their own additional working papers and link them into the file as required. The 'what if' planning tool allows quick comparisons between the results of different situations. Notes to HMRC, queries and reminders may be added to any element of user data. A full audit trail is recorded.
The personal tax module copes with all the personal tax self assessment related forms, including ministers of religion, MPs and Lloyds underwriters. It handles a range of situations, including pension planning, calculation of payments on account, section 128 claims, share pools for capital gains, and expatriation issues, such as tax equalisation, hypothetical withholding tax, double taxation, and foreign currency transactions. It does not have a filing by Internet facility.
The trust module caters for the most complex areas of trust taxation. It will produce a range of relevant returns and deals with situations where the trust changes during the financial year.
The partnership module deals with trading, investment and property partnerships consisting of individual, non-resident, corporate and partnership partners. The module includes full business tax schedules to produce computations on income tax and/or corporation tax principles, allocation schedules, tax reserve calculation summaries and appropriate reconciliations. Change of accounting date is catered for, and joiners' and leavers' adjustments are calculated for the personal tax return. All overlap reliefs are calculated and tracked. Chargeable gains for partners in certain investment funds may be calculated using the partnership gains application. The partnership module interfaces directly with the personal tax and corporation tax modules to produce individual or corporate partner's tax computations. A dynamic link between the personal and partnership modules ensures that the tax return file reflects the most up to date partnership figures.
The software is supplied on CD-ROM, with an online manual and training. A help desk, customer website and online knowledge base are also available.
Contact: Richard Scammell
Address: Deloitte & Touche LLP, 180 Strand, London WC2R 1BL
Tel: 020 7303 3678 Fax: 020 7303 4048
Cost: Price on application
Rec spec: Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003 Server; Pentium II or higher; 256mb RAM; 100mb hard disk space and up to 30kb for each computation file; MS IE5.01 or higher

Digita has been producing tax software for 19 years. As a company, Digita has not stuck to the provision of tax software for tax professionals only, but has also ventured successfully into the wider public sector. It is responsible for developing some of Microsoft's products including MSN Money, components of Microsoft Office, and Microsoft Money. The company also has a successful Internet division.
Digita's self assessment personal tax software for tax professionals is the well-known Taxability Pro, used by over 3,500 users. The product is unique among tax software in being accredited by Microsoft and is the only tax software accredited for Window XP. Taxability Pro has also been accredited under the terms of the ICAEW's IT accredited product scheme and is the first to receive accreditation. Taxability Pro won the LexisNexis best tax software award in 2003.
Taxability Pro handles most aspects of the self assessment tax return, including partnerships, Lloyd's underwriters, MPs and ministers of religion. The SA900 trust tax return is planned for 2006. HMRC help notes and help sheets are included. Tax is calculated automatically, showing the payments on account, and the form SA303 for reducing payments on account can be produced. On the capital gains tax front, the user has to calculate the total gains in some cases, as the system copes with disposals only from one pool. It handles taper relief, and current year and brought forward losses, loss optimisation, connected losses and attributed gains. It allows the gains to be entered as a net gain before taper relief to accommodate off-system calculations. However, full capital gains tax computation capability will be available in 2006.A comprehensive dividend data feed from FT Interactive Data calculates the dividends on shares, dividend paying unit trusts and interest paying unit trusts. The feed for 100 of the most popular shares (not necessarily the FTSE100) is free of charge.
Pension and 'what if' planning are possible. Accounts details can be imported from Accounts Pro, Digita's own final accounts solution, as well as various other packages, such as, CaseWare, Viztopia, Sage, VT, ProAcc, Eureka, and Sage SAP and SAPA. The system also has practice management links with APS Advance, Caseware Time, Practice Engine, and Star.
The business tax module is an integral module in Taxability Pro, and deals with all areas of business tax. It calculates basis periods, assessable profits, capital allowances, overlap relief and copes with changes of accounting date. It produces the partnership forms and other required reports and summaries. All relevant data is posted automatically to the partner's personal tax return.
Digita and LexisNexis Butterworths have linked up, so that Digita users who subscribe to the LexisNexis Butterworths online tax reference service can access the information through Taxability Pro. The option of accessing through the CD version of the tax reference service is also available.
Returns can be submitted using online filing, not the electronic lodgement service, and this facility is included within the software at no extra cost. Some 30% of users filed online in 2004-05.
The software has a wide range of risk management and workflow monitoring features built in. This includes the Client Review tool which compares the income sources of the client with the previous year's return, eliminating the need for paper comparisons. In this way, the risk of errors is greatly reduced, and the automation saves the time that the user would previously have spent doing the check. It also links to the Client Costing tool, enabling the user to create a risk profile of the client, and monitor changes during the review process.
New artificial intelligence, TaxAware has been included in the latest version of Taxability Pro to monitor the tax return compliance process. It constantly polls the data looking for inconsistencies, errors of entry, as well as planning opportunities, warning the user during the process. The key aspect of this technology is that all issues highlighted are specific to the client.
An online manual is supplied with the software, and training can be arranged at extra cost if required. Other help is available in the form of online help-screens, telephone hotlines, customer website, newsletters, seminars, etc. An evaluation copy on CD is available.
Accounts Pro produces final accounts and is also accredited by the ICAEW. Trial balances can be created in seconds and client files can be signed out for working at other sites. The program has the look of a Microsoft Office program, so will be familiar to most users. It also, crucially, links with Taxability Pro and CoTax Pro.
Other Digita products include CoSec Pro, a company administration package which includes electronic filing; Digita Forms Pro, which prints a range of approved HMRC and Companies House forms; and P11D Pro which Digita distributes in conjunction with PKF.
Contact: Karen Green
Address: Digita. Liverton Business Park, Exmouth EX8 2NR
Tel: 01395 270311 Fax: 01395 268893
Cost: Taxability Pro from £298; CoSec Pro from £334; eForms Pro from £198, renewal from £99; P11D Pro from £140; Accounts Pro from £248. All prices exclude VAT and depend on client numbers
Rec spec: Windows 2000 and above; Pentium III; 128mb RAM; 373mb hard disk space

Drummohr Technology Ltd
Drummohr Technology is a well established provider of personal tax software, having produced Tax Assistant since 1994. Tax Assistant is an integrated suite of linked modules, covering all aspects of self assessment, and used by over 1,400 firms. It can stand alone or can be networked.
The Tax Return module covers all self assessment tax years. All supplementary pages are catered for, including Lloyd's underwriters and ministers of religion. Data can be entered in a variety of ways: directly on to the on-screen tax return, by using pull-down menus, tool bars, or page selection tabs. The user can put additional information on notepad pages using context sensitive notepad icons, and this information is printed in the form of supporting schedules.
Several calculators are available, including capital allowances, business tax adjustments, car benefits, and capital gains. Data can be imported from most accounts production software packages, including any SNF compatible software. The user can print an information request for each client for the next year's return, and the return can be printed in summary form.
The tax calculation is done automatically following the HMRC's calculation, with a summary version also available. The calculation deals with lump sum payments, chargeable event gains, top slicing relief and the non-resident's exemption. It calculates the payments due on account, as well as the form SA303 for reducing those payments. An estimate of the following tax year's calculation is also possible.
The database, TaxBase is fully compatible with Microsoft Access, and holds the tax related information for all clients, e.g. names, business and employment details, and pension contributions. An internal tax administration record is created for each client, and a diary feature lists various events for up to four years. Thus users can create specific lists of clients, relating say to all those who have not yet had their tax returns submitted. Other administration features include a register of tax office addresses, a dividend database of company dividends which can be edited by the user, mail merges, and the generation of standard letters. Forms 64-8 can also be produced.
DELTA is the electronic lodgement service and filing online module available at an extra cost. Users who have been used to the electronic lodgement service can easily migrate to filing online, as electronic filing using both options is supported for individual, partnership and trust returns.
Other modules include the Trust and Estate Tax Return, the Partnership Return and the Repayment Claim, which deals with the HMRC R40 form. All are similar to the Tax Return module, and can be used either in conjunction with TaxBase or on a standalone basis. A Pensions Planner deals with allocating tax relief arising from retirement annuity payments and personal pension contributions, covering the tax years 1988-89 to date. For the years from 2001-02, it automatically chooses the basis year of most benefit to the client. Reports are displayed on screen, can be printed, and can be saved as a pdf document for e-mailing to the client.
The Corporation Tax Return module follows the style of the personal tax modules. It produces the corporation tax return and supplementary pages, and calculates the tax due, including marginal relief, research and development tax credit, non-corporate distribution charge, chargeable gains and allowable losses, and capital allowances.
The P11D module produces forms P11D, calculating car benefits, and other benefits. Data from this module can be imported directly on to the client's tax return.
The package comes with a manual, and other support includes on-screen help, a telephone help-line, customer website, and e-mail bulletin service. Training can be supplied at an agreed price. The software is available on CD-ROM and updates of the program can be downloaded from Drummohr's website. An evaluation kit is available, free of charge, containing a limited version of TaxBase and the Tax Return programs.
Contact: Sales
Address: Drummohr Technology Ltd, 3 Mount Frost Drive, Markinch, Fife KY7 6JQ
Tel: 01592 753111
Cost: Tax Assistant: from £365 plus VAT

Rec spec: Windows XP; Pentium/Athlon 1ghz; 128mb RAM; 300mb hard disk space

Excelsior LawDesk Ltd
There are various niche companies in the software market and one such is Excelsior LawDesk Ltd, now in its tenth year of operation. This small concern, formed by David Williams, produces software primarily for estates work. Retired now as a partner in a firm of solicitors in Brighton, he is a member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners and is the first to admit that his products, all Excel based, are highly specialised, but ones which fill a gap.
Approved, calculating replicas of the 40 plus pages of the IHT 200 with its supplementary pages, worksheets, C4 corrective account/inventory, excepted estates form 205 and small estates form 207 are all included in ProbateDesk, a product which assists with estate accounting. It can be used to compile estate accounts and print interim statements as well as store information regarding the estate more widely and actions taken in the administration. ExecutryDesk is the Scottish version of ProbateDesk and includes the forms C1 and 2 plus the C5, C5 (OUK) and C5(SE).
The calculating replicas are also available as standalone products as FormDesk — IHT 200 and FormDesk — IHT 200 Scotland (which also includes the forms C1 and C2 plus the C5, C5 (OUK) and C5(SE)).
A streamlined version of FormDesk - Residuary Income Pack is under construction, planned for release in March 2006. This will be a calculating version with linked worksheets and R185 (Estate Income) forms for ten beneficiaries per template and can be used for any size of estate.
As all Excelsior LawDesk products are based in Excel, their appearance and operation should be familiar to many and easy to use. Work sheets can be inserted and linked from Excel if required and if computer memory permits. There are various on-screen text notes on the forms, but the software assumes that any forms are being filled in by someone who has a working knowledge of trusts and estates. Being based on Excel spreadsheet template files they can be used on most personal computers. The packages are supplied on CD.
Contact: David Williams
Address: Excelsior LawDesk Ltd, Summerfields, Furners Lane, Henfield, West Sussex BN5 9HS
Tel: 01273 494978
Cost: FormDesk — IHT 200 - £525 plus VAT for  one user and £95 plus VAT for additional users. FormDesk — IHT 200 Scotland - £595 plus VAT for one user and £120 plus VAT for additional users. ProbateDesk - £2,250 plus VAT for a two user licence and £375 plus VAT for each additional user. ExecutryDesk - £3,275 plus VAT for a two user licence, and £395 plus VAT for each additional user. (FormDesk Residuary Income Pack — prices to be announced.) No annual maintenance charges for any of the products, but for ProbateDesk and ExecutryDesk
 training and travel costs are payable in addition to the one-off fees mentioned.
Rec spec: Windows 2000 or above; Microsoft Excel 2000 or above for all products; 64mb RAM; files take from approx 0.9mb to 2.2mb hard disk space depending on the product.

Forbes Computer Systems Ltd
Forbes Computer Systems Ltd is an innovative independent company which has been producing ProTax for 12 years.
ProTax is the well known self assessment program which allows an unlimited number of clients at a very competitive price. The number of users has grown substantially every year. It is available in modules which can be bought individually or as a complete suite. The software handles requirements for personal tax, trusts, partnerships and corporation tax. Virtually all aspects of self assessment are handled including Lloyd's underwriters, ministers of religion, R40 repayment claims, pension planning, other 'what if' planning, form SA303 for reducing payments on account, and form SA700 non resident landlords. The forms, backing schedules, payments on account and a complete tax liability calculation are all produced. Data is entered directly on to the tax return forms or via a step-by-step wizard. Much of the data can be drawn from the Client Database module, which flows automatically into the rest of the system. Accounts details can be imported from Forbes Accounts, the company's new accounts production system, as well from many other external accounts providers. The system has a comprehensive dividend database available at a small additional cost. A range of standard letters and reports can also be produced, along with an information request questionnaire, which can be sent to clients.
The company is directly involved in the development of new technology and has embraced electronic filing wholeheartedly. Forbes produces an entirely online filing by Internet tax solution.
Forbes Accounts, new for 2005, is a comprehensive final accounts production system for sole traders, partnerships and limited companies. Trial balances can be created instantly and the software automatically updates the data on partnership, self-employed and corporation tax returns.
The software is intuitive and easy to use. Cross product compatibility and integration has further enhanced this. Other modules include: CoSec, a company secretarial package that includes electronic filing; ProTax Planner, a planner for Schedule D cases, Tempus time recording software, ProTax P11D for expenses and benefits, and ProTax CTSA which produces the new short and long corporation tax return forms and performs all necessary computations (see review in corporation tax section).
The software comes with a manual, and comprehensive support including a free telephone help-line, customer website and newsletters. Training can be supplied at an extra cost. A demonstration version of the software can be downloaded from Forbes' website. In addition, registered users can update their software from Forbes' website, from which they also have online access to Notes online, with up-to-date technical information and news.
Contact: Sales
Address: Forbes Computer Systems Ltd, 38 Station Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes MK17 8RU
Tel: 01908 584674
Cost: ProTax: from £195 plus VAT. Other prices available from
Rec spec: Windows XP; 256mb RAM; 150mb hard disk space

Instant Tax Refund
Increasing numbers of employees work at home for at least some of the week, yet many of them are unaware that they can claim tax relief for part use of home for work, provided that the nature of the job necessitates that the employee works from home. Even if they are aware, they would not know what to claim and how.
Instant Tax Refund is specifically designed to enable such employees to calculate any tax which can be reclaimed relating to the expenses incurred when working at home. This includes use of home office, own car, capital equipment  and the additional cost of heating, lighting, and other expenditure. The employee answers a series of questions posed by the program. Once this is done, a letter to the tax office based on the employee's responses is produced, together with supporting computations.
It will handle refund claims going back up to six years. In addition, the program produces employees claims for using their own cars for work and flat rate expenses under Extra-Statutory Concession A1.
The software is suitable for all employees who incur job-related expenses, including those who do not work at home.
The package includes an online manual, online help screens, a help desk, customer website and newsletters.
Corporate licenses and multi-user licenses are available for companies purchasing on behalf of their employees or for accountants to use on behalf of their clients.
Contact: David Kitley
Address: Instant Tax Refund, 8 Highgrove Park, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 7PQ
Tel: 01628 626330 Fax: 01628 781306
Cost: £25.50 (ex VAT)
Rec spec: Windows 2000, XP, NT; 64mb RAM; 1mb hard disk space

IRIS Software Ltd
IRIS Software Ltd is a fast-growing, specialist independent developer of software which has been producing tax software for 27 years. It was the winner of the best tax software category at the inaugural LexisNexis tax awards in 2001 and its full suite of products is accredited by the ICAEW.
Full integration are key words for IRIS products. They integrate completely with each other and this is a major attraction for most IRIS clients. The Central Database module forms the hub of the software. Client data is fed into this module and flows automatically from there into the rest of the system. The data can also be used to create automatic client letters, and for other marketing purposes.
The IRIS Personal Tax module handles self-assessment returns for directors, partners, sole traders, individuals, Lloyd's underwriters, and ministers of religion. Practically all aspects of self assessment are covered by the software. Much of the required client information is drawn from the single central database, with reliefs and other income entered separately. The software has a tree menu structure, similar in style to Windows Explorer, and users use the mouse to move up and down the tree, or if they prefer use the tab key.
The software produces the relevant backing schedules and tax calculations, payments on account, with capital gains tax being calculated automatically. The pensions planner deals with retirement annuities and personal pension contributions. Car benefit is calculated, and forms P11D produced for clients and employees of business clients.
The system can be password protected, and there is a context sensitive help facility. At the start of the tax year, automatic checklist letters for each client can be organised, listing the relevant entries in the previous year's return and asking the client to enter in the current year's figures. Tax returns can be filed online.
The IRIS Business Tax module deals with limited companies, partnerships and sole traders. It produces the CT600 for companies, and the self assessment partnership tax return for partnerships, drawing the information from the client's accounts in the single central database. Wholly and partially disallowed accounts are flagged within the database.
Details from the Fixed Asset Register module are taken to provide the basis for the capital allowances schedule. The detailed corporation tax computation deals with apportionment over fiscal years, marginal rate relief, non-corporate distribution rate, and losses carried forward, backward or used in the period. It copes with up to four corporation tax accounting periods. Deferred tax calculations can also be produced. Partners' shares of profit are calculated automatically, and details placed in the appropriate personal tax records. Sole traders' data is automatically stored in the personal tax record for transfer to the self employment schedule of the SA100. Data entry for tax disclosure is available to comply with the disclosure of tax avoidance schemes legislation in all the tax packages.
IRIS Business Tax is available as a standalone module, making it attractive for practitioners who, say, want to review their business tax software, without changing their existing accounts production system. Business Tax can therefore be used in conjunction with other brands of accounting software.
The module links with IRIS Practice Management. This module tracks the progress of a client's job, lists the services provided to the client, and stores correspondence. Another useful feature is the extract/import facility by means of the purchase of a 'screen', whereby users can extract a client's data from the main system and put it onto a laptop computer. Thus a client's tax can be worked on during say a visit to the client, and then downloaded later onto the main system.
The IRIS Dividend Service is a separate module which uses data from Financial Express/Prestel, providing users with information on all UK listed companies and unit trusts. Clients' dividends are calculated automatically and entered into the relevant boxes on the tax return.
Practice management functions are provided by the IRIS Practice Management module. This module was launched in 2001 and is the company's best selling additional product to existing customers. It effectively controls the workflow, producing a list of daily tasks for each user. It is available all the time, so that employees can work on other IRIS modules at the same time. It also has a data-mining facility, whereby the user can ask specific questions to produce a report on personal tax data. Another aspect of this module is that helps practices become paperless. Users can take advantage of the document scanning and file management system within the module to store all client information in one place. A comprehensive search facility allows the documents to be retrieved easily.
Other modules available include AutoMail which generates routine correspondence for clients. This has a wide range of templates which the user can amend and store as necessary. Time & Fees automates the timesheet process, collecting the information to raise invoices. It also allows supervisors to monitor employees' work. There are also Accounts Production and Fixed Asset Register modules.
IRIS Trust Tax deals with the principle trust and estate tax forms and relevant computations. It also links with the practice management module, so job progress can be tracked. Two event triggers are generated by the module: one when the job is created, and the second when the final return is printed.
Overall IRIS products are suitable for virtually any sized practice. Small firms can opt for a 'starter pack' which can hold between 25 and 300 clients. Another software pack, incorporating Personal Tax, Business Tax and Accounts Production, is planned, pitched immediately below the current starter pack, aimed at smaller practices. It is a little-known fact that IRIS Personal Tax can be bought as a stand-alone module, and from this autumn, smaller practices will be able to buy a free-standing version especially tailored to their needs. Also in autumn, IRIS is launching its new SQL software, the result of two years' development. It creates a new platform for the Central Database, which allows for greater manipulation of the data.
The modules come with a manual, and training is available at extra cost. Additional help is available via online helpscreens, additional pdf manuals, a help desk, customer website, news-letters, customer user groups, e-mail bulletin service and seminar programmes. The system comes on CD-ROM, and users can download updates, KnowledgeBase and fact sheets from the IRIS website.
Contact: Sales and Marketing Department
Address: IRIS Software Ltd, Riding Court House, Datchet, Berkshire SL3 9JT
Tel: 01753 212444
Cost: price is dependent on number of clients and number of software users, call 01753 212444 for a quotation.
Rec spec: Windows 2000; 128mb RAM; 230mb hard disk space

Keytime produces the self assessment software, Tax Professional. The company has recently entered into a strategic alliance with LKA Consultants, developers of Objective Tax, whereby the companies share technology, sales and marketing resources, and provide a wide range of software including personal and corporate tax, accounts, practice management, bureau payroll and P11D.
Aimed mainly at small to medium sized firms, Tax Professional produces a range of HMRC approved personal tax returns, including partnerships, trusts, capital gains, ministers of religion, and the SA800 partnership return. The client's liability is computed automatically, and shows the payments on account due. Form SA303 can be produced to reduce these payments. Information is entered using an interview format, and optional wizards help simplify this process. Alternatively, users can take advantage of the rapid data entry facility. Each set of pages has its own rapid data entry screen through which all the relevant information for that section can be entered.
The software keeps track of the annual return process using the client tracker feature. This charts important dates relating to a client's return, for instance, when the information is received, when the return is sent to the client for approval and then submitted to HMRC, and when an invoice is raised.
Tax Professional is approved by HMRC for filing by Internet, and 62% used this facility in 2004-05.
The package comes with a manual (hard copy or online), online help screens, Internet assistance, and includes free support (telephone help-line, updates, enhancements). HMRC help notes are included, as is context sensitive help. The complete program can be downloaded from the firm's website, as can an evaluation copy and updates.
Tax Professional is an effective package, which is designed to complete the client's tax return. Additional features relate to administration, rather than planning. Practitioners who need a software package which produces professional looking tax returns with automatic tax calculations are likely to find this product good value.
Corporation Tax Professional produces the CT600 form, calculating the profits chargeable to corporation tax. It also does capital gains tax computation and allocates capital losses. Other features include: analysis of brought forward and current year trading losses, and capital allowance calculation.
Practice management is dealt with by DRIVE. This provides communications management (letter, e-mail, fax, etc), tracks deadlines, deals with time and billing, client accounting, practice accounts, document management and integrates with the other Keytime products. Keytime also produces Bureau Payroll, P11D Calculator and Final Accounts.
Contact: Sales
Address: Keytime, Pennine House, Denton Lane, Chadderton, Oldham, Lancs OL8 1QG
Tel: 0845 456 3103 Fax: 0845 456 3104
Cost: Tax Professional: £370; Corporation Tax Professional: £370; P11D Calculator: £160; DRIVE: from £900; Final Accounts: £370; Bureau Payroll: £499
Rec spec: Windows XP (minimum 98); Pentium 400; 256mb RAM; 60mb hard disk space

LexisNexis Butterworths
LexisNexis has worked with Digita to create the Tolley's range of compliance software for accountants in practice. Based on Digita's well-known compliance software the Tolley's range is a comprehensive and affordable compliance solution aimed at smaller sized firms and sole practitioners.
Tolley's Personal and Business Taxes produces the SA100 and supplementary pages, including Lloyds underwriters, ministers of religion and MPs. It has a range of customisable reports that can be printed or e-mailed to clients; and context-sensitive help links are provided to LexisNexis Butterworths tax reference, comprehensive documentation and tutorials.
Tolley's eForm is a digital library of fully approved facsimile forms from HMRC and Companies House. Completing and printing official forms is quick and easy. The system provides a central point for forms storage and retrieval as each form can be created, edited and saved as many times as required. Forms can be viewed and completed on-screen. Blank or completed forms can be printed at any time. Form updates are freely available from Digita throughout the year; fully or partially completed form data can be saved and multiple forms can be saved to one client file; form search tools allow users to locate any HMRC or Companies House form.
Tolley's Accounts Production is accredited by the ICAEW and Microsoft. It uses SQL server and the latest .net technology for fast accounts production. It integrates with Tolley's Personal and Business Tax. Data can be imported from Microsoft Office or accounts packages, such as Sage Line 50. Reports can be exported to Microsoft Office for editing or distribution.
Contact: Stephen Mullaly
Address: Halsbury House, 35 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1EL
Tel: 020 7400 2500
Cost: Price on application
Rec spec: Windows 2000 and above; Pentium 2, Celeron 300+; 128mb RAM; 400mb hard disk space

LKA Consultants
LKA Consultants, is an independent tax software company, which has produced the self assessment tax software Objective Tax for 14 years. The software is simple to use and is aimed at tax practitioners and accountants in any size firm. In the last year, LKA has formed an alliance with Keytime, allowing both companies to supply a wide range of accountancy software.
Objective Tax is a comprehensive personal tax package, consisting of a tax return program, a P11D package which calculates car, beneficial loan and other benefits, a basic bookkeeping and accounts program, tax administration and pro formas module, an R40 package, a capital gains tax module, and a range of business tax calculations.
The personal tax module produces the full SA100 return, the full partnership return (permitting any number of partners), and trust returns. Lloyd's underwriters or ministers of religion pages are not available. The capital gains tax module performs complex capital gains computations, dealing with chattels, land, shares, indexation and taper relief.
Planning features include a change of year planning, a pension planner, and double tax relief calculations. Accounts can be imported from various other accounting packages e.g. Sage, Apex, Viztopia, and VT, and data can be exported to other packages, such as a word processing application, if required. The tax computation uses Microsoft Explorer, but produces its own version if required.
Data can be entered either directly onto the tax return using the on-screen return in conjunction with the clearly denoted work sheets (such as the one for car benefit details), or via drop-down menus showing key income sources. Each client can be exported separately, should the user wish to keep individual copies with the client's file.
Corporation tax, accounts, and P11D processing are available.
The administration section includes password protection and the ability to update topical data such as retail price index figures, official interest rates and HMRC tax office addresses. The database can also be used to produce a range of reports, such as a checklist based on the previous year's data entered for a client, and can be used for marketing and mailshots.
The software supports filing by Internet  and has full Internet compatibility.
The package comes on CD-ROM with a manual, and customers receive a Budget update, maintenance/fix disks, etc. free. Support information is also available from the customer website and an e-mail bulletin service. A full technical help desk is available.
Contact: Sales department
Address: LKA Consultants Ltd, 415 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey CR6 9HA
Tel: 01883 382564
Cost: Objective Tax £269 plus VAT
Rec spec: Windows XP; Pentium; 128mb RAM; 100mb hard disk space

MYOB, the global business software and services company, acquired Solution 6 in August 2004. In acquiring Solution 6, MYOB became the owner of the PerTAX family of software, one of the best known brand names in tax software. The PerTAX family is an integrated suite of comprehensive software covering personal tax, trusts, partnerships, securities, capital gains tax, business tax and corporation tax. The integration means that client information, such as names and addresses, once entered in one application, is available to all other PerTAX, and other brand, applications in use.
PerTAX is an all-encompassing package which deals with all aspects of self assessment and has been produced for 26 years. An important development for 2005 is that the software is being rewritten in Microsoft .net. MYOB says that this will introduce substantial new functionality; for instance, forms SA700 and SA970 will be supported. Risk analysis, variance and ratio and margin reports will also be introduced. An automated workflow module will also be available for compliance procedures such as tax return completion, money laundering regulations and client engagement. At the same time, MYOB is launching a new framework, MYOB Central which will comprise a launch area for all MYOB applications,  a central database for static data and home pages for users to create views of the data most suitable to them e.g. tax return status summary, graphical views of aged WIP and debtors, tasks awaiting approval. A beta version was released in the fourth quarter of 2005, but the full launch is due in early 2006.
As to what it does, PerTAX produces all the standard self assessment forms, including MPs, and tax computations, handling virtually everything that could be desired in self assessment. Information is entered by drilling down to underlying data entry screens, via the tax return or the computation, or through a data entry menu system, with the information automatically being carried through to the tax return.
The tax liability is calculated automatically along with the statements of account, payments due etc. Items can be flagged for attention using the yellow memo note feature. Information can be transferred in from any accounting system which can provide a simple text file in the required format. This includes all major accounting software suppliers. In addition, MYOB has special arrangements with PAS P11D Organiser to draw P11D details into PerTAX automatically.
The database is user-definable, which allows, say particular groups of clients to be grouped together. This is useful for both administration and marketing purposes. Taking the marketing aspect a few steps further, PerTAX eSP is an optional module which integrates into PerTAX. It is a data warehousing tool, allowing users to make queries and produce reports on personal tax data. It has a drag and drop facility so that the user can drill down into data to ask specific questions such as 'which clients are coming up to retirement but do not have a pension?' The reports can be imported into Excel, csv, rich text, etc. so that the user can manipulate the information as required. This useful tool is easy to use, and can help the user manage risk in the practice. The PerTAX software family can also run under the database platform Microsoft SQL, which is likely to be of most use to larger firms, and under MSDE (free from Microsoft) for the smaller practice.
The Aide Mémoire module is an intelligent mail merge facility which can be used to obtain tax return information from clients. It produces questionnaires or standard letters using Microsoft Word templates, which can be customised as the user wishes. The letters produced can be posted or e-mailed to clients. PerTAX eQuest is an electronic product which uses the information contained in a client's tax return to generate a questionnaire relating to the client's next tax return. The user can post the questionnaire to his website. The information is encrypted for security, and is password protected so that only the client and the adviser can access it. The client completes the questionnaire online, and the information can be posted through to PerTAX by the user into the relevant tax return, without the need to re-key anything.
PerTAX users also receive as part of the package an error and exception report. This provides a risk analysis of the tax return, uncovering small mistakes made during the preparation of the return, or any changes made since the previous return. This means that problems can be sorted out before the return is submitted to HMRC, reducing the likelihood of an enquiry.
ParTAX handles partnerships. It produces facsimile SA800 and supplementary pages, using the information from the PerTAX Family database. It deals with multiple accounting periods within the tax basis period and data can be imported from external sources, such as a trial balance. The information integrates fully with PerTAX so that the individual partner's allocation of income is included in the partnership pages of the personal return.
The BusinessTAX module handles all aspects of the business tax requirements for unincorporated businesses including updating personal and partnership tax returns, and integrates fully with the other PerTAX Family products. The software uses the information from PerTAX to set up a client, and examines all the data to determine the correct basis period for the taxpayer. This comprehensive module deals with various aspects of self employment including the change of accounting date rules, overlap relief, capital allowances, asset movements, and farmers' averaging. It links to spreadsheets for complex partnership sharing arrangements.
SecTAX is the securities and capital gains tax system, linking to PerTAX. It tracks a client's share dealings, recording dividend and interest received. The software uses an interactive wizard to automate tracing capital gains tax histories. Then the information pre-populates the tax returns.
TrusTAX deals with the administration of trusts and estates, calculating the tax liability of the trust or estate and printing a facsimile SA900 return. It is linked to the Trust Accounts package for completion of the return and there is also an R185 package which provides the necessary calculations and compliance returns for beneficiaries.
P11D Organiser is linked to PerTAX, and produces forms P11D, calculating benefits, such as car benefit, accommodation, automatically. It can also be used independently of PerTAX.
Practice management is provided by Viztopia Practice Management in the form of a central database. This allows static client data to be shared across all the PerTAX family software. Singleview is a document scanning, filing and management system, which also saves and stores e-mails sent to and received from clients.
MYOB is a great supporter of online filing, and is trying to encourage its users to file returns that way.
With regard to help and support, the products come with in-built help. Training is provided for a fee. In addition, there are on-line help screens, a help desk, website with extensive support information and facilities, customer user groups, newsletters, seminar programmes, and product review groups. Existing clients can download updates from the Internet. An evaluation copy of the software is available from the sales department.
Contact: Marketing department — Accountants division
Address: MYOB, Westec House, West Gate, London

Tel: 020 8997 5500 Fax: 020 8998 0507
Cost: prices on application
Rec spec: Windows 2000 and above; hardware, memory and disk space vary

PTP Software Ltd
PTP Group is an almost ubiquitous name in tax. Most tax advisers will have come across the company in one way or another, be it through attending seminars, calling the consultancy service or using software. PTP Group comprises the Professional Training Partnership, Professional Tax Practice and PTP Software. The latter has been producing reasonably priced, effective software since 1994, developed through a combination of the firm's own programmers and joint ventures.
Tax Return is the income tax return package, and offers all the supplementary pages, apart from those for MPs. Information is entered on to the tax return, rather than using a menu system, with a fanned page taking the user to the many backing schedules available. An eye icon indicates that information was included in the previous year. Tax calculations are performed automatically, and a validation system checks that the information all corresponds. Data can be imported from various accounts preparation packages, including Sage SAP and SAPA, Viztopia, Eureka, Compac, ProAcc and VT. The software calculates payments on account, and produces the form for reducing payments on account, SA 303. It also has a dividend database, and an events section enabling the user to track the progress of the client's affairs. The HMRC help notes are available by using the F1 button.
The software produces a range of reports and standard letters. Returns can be filed online or using the electronic lodgement service for an extra charge. The capital gains facility deals with computations, although there are restrictions on the number of enhancement expenditure entries it can handle. With regard to planning, the Tax Fast module deals with change of accounting year, and CGT Planner deals with capital gains tax planning. Pension planning is not possible.
An on-line manual and hard copy installation guide are supplied. Training is available at extra cost, £350 for a half day, although as the software is so simple to use, not many clients take up this option. In addition, there are on-line help screens, a free telephone hotline, and customer website. The website also contains a lot of useful information, together with some handy hints of how to make full use of the software.
The Partnership Return module has the same look as Tax Return, and is similar to operate, using the same database. Once a partnership's details have been entered onto the Partnership Return, the partners can be added by clicking as appropriate from the list of clients contained in the Tax Return database. When the partnership information has been dealt with, it automatically makes the appropriate entries on the partnership supplementary pages.
Trust Return also uses the style of Tax Return, and deals with any type of trust and required calculations. The program includes a dividend database and links to the TROIKA trust management program.
Tax Return, Partnership Return and Trust Return are part of a Tax Platform. The advantage to users of this is that, by using data common to all three returns, users can access all years from one program.
PTP Accounts is the final accounts preparation software for sole traders and partnerships. It has same look as the Tax Platform, and links seamlessly with Tax Return and Partnership Return. The software produces a pdf version of the accounts for e-mailing to the client.
Tax Fast is the year end planning, current year basis and change of accounting date module. It also includes adjustments for the abolition of the cash basis, the ability to calculate tax provisions for partnerships, and has a separate input facility for partners' personal expenses.
CT Platform has been rewritten and h as a new-look user interface which is similar to Tax Return. It collects the data, performs the calculations and checks that the necessary boxes have been completed for corporation tax self assessment. The module includes an adjusted tax computation and capital allowances calculator and copes with the non-corporate distribution charge. Small companies marginal relief is calculated automatically. It has standard letters and mailmerge facilities, and a pdf version of the return can be e-mailed to clients. Online filing of the return is also available. The module is suited in particular to practitioners who have to complete returns for limited companies.
Tax Data contains assorted useful tax information including tax rates, allowances, and addresses. The principal claims and elections are included as pro forma documents, which can be cut and pasted for submission to HMRC. Wizcalcs enable the user to carry out calculations on screen in respect of authorised mileage rates, small companies marginal relief, VAT, etc.
Practice management is dealt with by The Professional Office. This comprises time recording, billing and work in progress, client addresses, marketing functions, ledgers, reports and system administration. Considerable amounts of tedious, but necessary, administration can be automised, for instance by creating customised marketing or reports.
Company Car Planner allows the user to input the basic data relating to the employee, including the make and model of vehicle, tax and National Insurance rate, the program then calculates the benefit for the period over which the car will be provided. The user can then view the alternative methods of funding based on a combination of in-built and user-defined factors.
Capital gains tax liabilities can be calculated using CGT Planner. This takes into account all the legislation relating to taper. The user enters the details of the transaction, acquisition date and costs, disposal date and proceeds, any other related costs, etc., and the program automatically calculates the capital gains liability taking into account all the available reliefs, including retirement relief, hold-over and roll over relief. An 'optimiser' function shows the most beneficial time to complete the disposal. CGT Share Pooling enables the user to build up the cost history of each holding and calculate the gain on a post 1998 part or full disposal applying all the matching rules.
PTP's inheritance tax software comes as two modules. IHT Planner deals with the calculation of lifetime transfers and the chargeable estate; IHT Return, deals with the completion of forms IHT200, 205 and 207 using the data already entered into IHT Planner and populating the appropriate pages of the form. IHT Return is also available as a stand alone program, allowing the user to complete the form on screen automating the calculation of the inheritance tax liability without carrying out any inheritance tax planning work.
PTP also has a company secretarial package called PC Share Register Plus, and some additional spreadsheet planners including Incorporation Planner, Dividend v Salary Planner, Tax Credit Planner and NIC Planner.
PTP's software is aimed at all practitioners and is used by sole traders to top five firms alike and is also used by tax shops. It is consistently reliable, easy to use and popular. A demonstration CD of the products is available.
Contact: Sales department
Address:  PTP Software Ltd, 10 Lakesmere Close, North Oxford Business Centre, Kidlington, Oxford 0X5 1LG
Tel: 01865 370470 Fax: 01865 370270
Cost: Tax Return: from £99 plus VAT to £575 plus VAT. Partnership Return: from £99 plus VAT Income tax return preparation packages to £299 plus VAT. Trust Return: from £99 plus VAT to £575 plus VAT. PTP Accounts: from £199 plus VAT to £1,150 plus VAT. CT Return: from £99 to £575. Company Car Planner: from £99 plus VAT to £199 plus VAT. CGT Planner from £49 plus VAT to £99 plus VAT. CGT Share Pooling from £99 plus VAT to £199 plus VAT. Tax Fast: from £99 plus VAT to £199 plus VAT. IHT Planner from £99 plus VAT to £199 plus VAT. Link to ELS or FBI: £99/£75 plus VAT. Pricing is subject to number of returns (where appropriate), and whether on network or stand alone basis
Rec spec: Windows XP; Pentium; 128mb RAM; 500mb hard disk space

Quality Management Software Ltd
Quality Management Software Ltd is a small, independent supplier of taxation software which has been producing its self assessment package, SA2000, since 1997, and CT600 since 1999. The software is aimed mainly at small and medium sized firms of accountants.
SA2000 is an Excel spreadsheet with a database. It is straightforward to use and aimed at small and medium sized practitioners. There is no limit on the number of users or clients in one office. The tax return module deals with personal tax returns, including those for Lloyd's underwriters and ministers of religion. Users enter information directly onto the on-screen tax return, and move along the return using the tab button. The tax calculation is performed automatically using its own version of the tax calculation, and contains in-built cross-checks to ensure that the responses on the return are consistent.
A handy features is the 'Know your client' page which provides a summary of the client's income and tax bill. The system has a tax planner and calculates capital gains tax, taking into account taper relief if the user enters the percentages. An additional capital gains tax module is also available which calculates indexation, taper relief and follows the new rules for purchases and sales. Information can be imported from accounts preparation packages.
Separate modules are available for partnership returns and trust tax returns with additional analysis for beneficiaries. The partnership and individual returns are linked automatically, and there are additional reports for non-residents.
SA2000 supports both the electronic lodgement service and online filing at no extra cost.
CT600 produces the corporation tax CT600 form and calculates the tax automatically. It deals with trading companies with multiple trades, non-resident landlord companies and group relief. It has extra sheets for accounts reconciliation, and details of the tax computation. It includes sections for disallowable items and items taxable under Schedule A, D cases V and VI. The software also allows users to identify intangible assets and keeps track of capital allowances and written down values carried forward from year to year. Reports can be exported to other applications, including Excel. This is a useful corporation tax package which is enhanced regularly to include new functions. Practitioners who have to deal with small companies are likely to find it useful, as they will not require a lot of extra features which they will rarely, if ever, use.
The software comes with a hard copy manual. Other support comes in the form of a help desk and newsletters.
The company has joint ventures with the Mercia Group Ltd and PracticeNet. It also produces tax software for the Jersey tax return. In addition, QMS launched its payroll software in 2005,
An evaluation copy of the individual tax software can be downloaded from the company website.
Contact: Andrew Bolton
Address: Quality Management Software Ltd, 4 Huxley Close, Godalming, Surrey GU7 2AS
Tel: 01483 429078
Cost: price on application
Rec spec: Windows XP; Pentium; 64mb RAM; and 10mb hard disk space

Sage (UK) Ltd
Sage Taxation Suite is an integrated suite comprising Sage Personal Tax for personal tax compliance; Sage Business Tax for tax compliance for sole traders and partnerships; Sage Partnership Tax; Sage Trust Tax; Sage Forms, which is a tax, regulatory and Companies House form filler package; the 2005 software also links to the Sage Control Centre, a lightweight practice management package. This will be superseded in late 2005 with the introduction of the Sage Practice Solution offering.
Sage Personal Tax is a comprehensive package producing the SA100 form, related supplementary return forms, calculating income tax, and capital gains. Although there are no data entry screens for ministers of religion, MPs and Lloyd's underwriters the return forms can be added and edited. It is straightforward to use, with a 'wizard' taking the user through the steps of setting up a client. Users can use either the keyboard or the mouse to move around the program and income/expense or gains sources have intuitive input screens that make additional options available only when applicable. Where the user is responsible for husband and wife or other joint income scenarios, percentage shares are applied and the apportioned income details are automatically transferred between joint holders.
Information can be password protected at various levels. Additional information can be added to the client's tax return, and there is also a notepad for information or reminders which are not to be included on the return. Pension planning can be carried out, as well as change of accounting year planning and farmer's averaging.
Dividend income is available via on-screen access to a securities database listing all relevant transactions of UK listed companies.
The main database is fully integrated, and accounts data can also be imported from most other accounts production systems. Practice management functionality is available via the integrated Sage Control Centre and, from late 2005, the Sage Practice Solution. This includes standard reports and letters for clients. Both applications provide the following functionality, a central administration function, client data storage and a comprehensive library of standard reports and letters to clients and third parties, including letters of engagement. Users are also able to create and save their own report and letter templates. Easy interrogation of the client data held in Control Centre can generate all reports and letters, all of which can be exported into Microsoft Word if required. Client information is carried forward year on year, and individual or batch production of client-specific 'annual data questionnaires' based on the information provided for the previous year's return is also possible. Users are able to allocate tasks and reminders to clients or different users.
User guides and getting started guides are included with the software, and extra training, if needed, is available. Other support includes telephone hotlines, monthly support bulletins, seminar programmes and product review groups. Updates can be downloaded from the Internet where appropriate.
Sage supports both the electronic lodgement service (until January 2006) and Filing by Internet for both individuals and partnerships. Sage Taxation version 8.1 will be released at the end of January 2006. This will contain enhancements to the user interface, a new SQL database system as well as drill down from the face of the SA100 to the underlying data. Sage will shortly be releasing Sage Practice Solution one of the purposes of which will be to provide enhanced integration between the various Sage products for practice. As well as this, it will evolve throughout 2006 to incorporate additional reporting and letter writing functionality across all products offering further practice management functionality.
All software prices are based on numbers of users and clients. Interest free payment plans are available over longer contract terms.
Contact: Accountants division sales department
Address: Sage (UK) Ltd, Accountants Division, Building 3, Exchange Quay, Salford Quays, Manchester, M5 3ED
Tel: 0845 111 11 11
Cost: Sage Taxation Suite - from £555; Sage Business   Tax - from £330
Rec spec: Windows 2000/XP; 512mb RAM; 30gb hard disk space

Taxshield is a brand name of Price Pearson Ltd, a West Midlands firm of chartered accountants. Launched ten years ago, the tax software products are designed and tested within the company to ensure compliance and ease of use. The software is used by firms of all sizes ranging from sole practitioners to the big four.
Personal Tax Manager Professional 2004/2005 is the self assessment software which produces HMRC approved personal tax return forms SA100, R40 and SA800 together with the supplementary pages.
A control tracking system allows the user to track each individual return from start to completion. A guidance panel is shown on-screen at all times. The tax calculation is produced, showing payments on account. Data from other accounts packages cannot be imported, although information can be brought in from Taxshield P11D Manager, and data can be carried forward year on year. 'What-if?' planning is possible by amendment of existing data, including pension planning, but not changes of accounting year. Lloyd's underwriters and ministers of religion are not catered for. The adjusted figure for capital gains tax needs to be entered manually, but the system then deals with it in the calculation.
The software is compatible for filing by Internet.
Personal Tax Reporter Solo is also available. This permits the completion of three personal tax returns and includes filing by Internet capability.
The corporation tax module Corporation Tax Manager 2004/2005 produces forms CT600, all the supplementary pages, and potentially unlimited computations. It allows Schedule A computations, and calculates capital allowances. Two versions are available: one for simple returns, and one for more complex returns. It is aimed at the small to medium sized practice which needs a cost effective package that will deal with relatively straightforward computations.
Business Tax Manager calculates adjusted Schedule D Case I and Schedule A profits and capital allowances. It integrates fully with the personal tax product, or can be used on its own. Thus the calculations of the adjusted Schedule D case I, Schedule A profits and capital allowances will automatically be imported into the partnership return, and the partnership/business pages in the personal tax return as required.
All products come with an online manual and telephone support. There are also help screens and newsletters. Evaluation copies of the software can be downloaded from the company's website.
Contact: Jan Brookshaw
Address: Taxshield, 11 — 12 Hingley Street, Cradley Heath, Warley, West Midlands, B64 5LA.
Tel: 0870 6091918
Fax:  01384 455991
Cost: Personal Tax Manager Professional — from £175 plus VAT to £1,005 plus VAT; Personal Tax Manager Solo (3 returns) - £19.99 plus VAT; Corporation Tax Manager - from £120 plus VAT to £735 plus VAT; Business Tax Manager - £150 plus VAT to £860 plus VAT
Rec spec: Windows 95 or above; 64mb RAM; 60mb hard disk space

Corporation tax

The packages covered in this category vary in widely and target market, and are priced accordingly.

CCH Software
CCH Corporate was developed specifically for corporation tax self assessment, and covers accounting periods ended on or after 1 April 1998. Following the style of other CCH Software products in appearance, it produces the various HMRC corporation tax forms including the CT600 and CT600 supplementary pages, as well as comprehensive computations and supporting schedules.
Data is entered using drop-down menus, or the data navigator which is based on an explorer-tree type structure. The latter can be useful for review purposes, and enables the user to see what items were included in the previous year's computation. This is a comprehensive package dealing with most aspects of corporation tax, including the research and development tax credit, expensive car lease restriction, the non-corporate distribution charge, capital disposals including pre 1965 time apportionment, capital allowances, capital losses, trading companies, investment companies, and group relief. It calculates tax payment automatically, showing quarterly instalments where applicable. Other features include income and expense analysis, tax planning screens, and claims and election tracking. The software is FRS19 and IAS12 compliant.
A 'briefcase' facility permits the user to work remotely, and then bring back the updated version to the database.
A built in administration system monitors deadlines, and will report on outstanding liabilities and those due for action or payment. As with other CCH Software products, the open database allows the user to produce his own reports, and caters for direct links from other accounts packages. Using Excel links, spreadsheets which have been prepared during the audit can be copied into the system, and relevant figures assigned back to the appropriate data entry fields, as well as new spreadsheets being created within the system. A link takes users to CCH's Corporation Tax Manual.
Help features are as described in the CCH Software personal tax entry, see page 5.
Contact: Sales Administration
Address: CCH Software, Cleary Court, Church Street   East, Woking, Surrey GU21 6HJ
Tel: 01483 775070
Fax:  01483 775080
Cost: Price on application. Products are priced according to modules included, number of users and number of cases.
Rec spec: Windows 2000/XP Prof; Pentium III upwards; 128mb RAM; 1gb hard disk space

Abacus Corporation Tax is a comprehensive corporation tax program aimed at large companies. It has modules for general UK corporate tax, authorised investment funds, life company taxation and petroleum revenue tax. The software is licensed to the tax departments of over 270 major companies in the UK, including 58 of the FTSE100. It is also used throughout the tax practice.
The general corporation tax version has an extensive suite of standard schedules covering investment and multiple trade companies, as well as specialist companies, e.g. oil ring-fence companies. It copes with long and short periods of account, payments on account, interest calculations, foreign currency, foreign exchange, intangibles. Some other specialist modules are available, including general insurance and Lloyd's. The 'what if' tool allows quick comparisons to be made between the results of different scenarios.
The group module provides an up-to-date tax position for the group, and controls group relief and group payment allocations, advance corporation tax, shadow advance corporation tax, eligible unrelieved foreign tax surrenders between group members, and notional intra-group transfers under TA 1988, s 171A. A set of deferred tax schedules summarises the information contained in the underlying computations and calculates the aggregate group tax position.
Other features include a full audit trail, full automatic recalculation, automatic error trapping and automated cross-referencing of all schedules. The software supports online filing of the corporation tax return and computation.
A number of complementary administration tools are included in the standard package. For example, Administrator enables the user to track time limits, linking into the computations to track their current status and allocate statutory and non-statutory tasks. Taxpack develops an Excel taxpack from the Abacus computation allowing data entry at remote sites. When the work is complete, the detail is directly uploaded back into the computation, representing huge time-savings in rekeying.
Initial training is included in the licence fee, and the software is supported by on-screen and Internet help, a knowledge system, newsletters, as well as telephone and e-mail hotlines.
In addition, Deloitte's web-based business process manage-ment and risk control system for corporation tax self assessment integrates into the Abacus compliance suite. The software guides users through the compliance year, highlighting statutory deadlines and corresponding workflow, managing and monitoring risks. For instance, senior individuals are automatically notified of incomplete tasks.
The software can be customised to accommodate internal client processes, and the transparent nature of the system allows effective reporting for management purposes.
Four key corporation tax self assessment stages are covered, i.e. file return (including year end and data collection processes), tax payment (including quarterly instalment payments), two and six year claims and elections, and enquiries and information requests.
A demonstration website is available. The application is supplied with an online manual and training. Other support in cludes a help desk, customer website, and e-mail bulletin service.
Contact: Richard Scammell
Address: Deloitte & Touche LLP, 180 Strand, London WC2R 1BL
Tel: 020 7303 3678 Fax: 020 7303 4048
Cost: Price on application
Rec spec: Abacus Corporation Tax - Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, 2003 Server; Pentium II or higher; 256mb RAM; 100mb hard disk space and up to 30kb for each computation file; MS IE5.01 or higher

CoTax Pro is Digita's corporation tax module and is the only corporation tax software accredited for Windows XP by Microsoft. It calculates the mainstream corporation tax chargeable, incorporating marginal small companies relief, if applicable, for trading and investment companies. It applies the correct tax rates applicable to both close investment holding companies and open ended investment companies. The software deals with long accounting periods automatically apportioning income and expenditure where necessary. It carries out various calculations including research and development tax credit, non-corporate distribution charge, adjusted profit, expensive car lease restrictions, losses carried forward and TA 1988, s 419 charge for loans to participators. There is also a payment management tool.
With regard to capital allowances, CoTax Pro calculates the allowance and balancing charges for each chargeable period and supports separate capital allowance computations attributable to a Schedule A business, resulting in a completed tax computation and CT600.
Turnover, profit and loss, and balance sheet fixed asset values can be imported from Accounts Pro, which can then be used in the new deferred tax calculator to work out the amounts required for provision under Financial Reporting Standard 19.
Client company files can be exported onto a laptop enabling the user to work at sites other than the office. A tracker is also incorporated allowing the user to monitor progress of work etc.
Contact: Karen Green
Address: Digita. Liverton Business Park, Exmouth EX8 2NR
Tel: 01395 270311 Fax: 01395 268893
Cost: CoTax Pro from £318. Price excludes VAT and depends on client numbers
Rec spec: Windows 2000 and above; Pentium III; 128mb RAM; 373mb hard disk space

Finansol Ltd
Finansol Corporation Tax is an automated corporation tax return package, producing the corporation tax return and computation. It provides an analysis of allowable and disallowable expenditure, and allocates brought forward and current year trading losses. The package computes capital gains, capital allowances, profits chargeable to corporation tax, corporation tax and marginal relief. Reports can be exported to other applications, e.g. Excel. Essentially this is an inexpensive, no-frills product aimed at small to medium sized practices and financial advisers, which nonetheless does what it says and will doubtless be sufficient for many clients with small businesses.
Other products in the Finansol range include the following. Finansol Incorporation Calculator can be used free from the website. The user just types his projected annual earnings into the relevant box, presses 'submit', and a comparison of the tax due under the self employed rules and under incorporation follows. A desktop version of this calculator is also available.
Finansol Salary v Dividends Calculator helps the user choose the most tax effective combination of salary and dividends to extract from a company.
Finansol also offers Company Registration software which assists the user in setting up a company and registering it.
The VAT Flat Rate Calculator calculates whether using the scheme will cost or save VAT, and can be used for all types of VAT-registered businesses.
The Indexation Calculator calculates indexation factors.
A hard copy and on-line manual are supplied with the software, and there are also on-line help screens and a help desk. Training is not supplied on the basis that the software is extremely easy to use.
Contact: Finansol Ltd
Cost: Finansol Corporation Tax from £50; Incorporation Calculator (desktop version) - £25; Salary v Dividends Calculator - £25; Company Registration — £25; VAT Flat Rate Calculator — £15; Indexation Calculator - £15
Rec spec: Programs take minimal disk space

Forbes Computer Systems Ltd
Forbes CTSA is a corporation tax software that completes both the tax computation and the relevant tax forms for all chargeable periods created. CTSA produces both the new short and long corporation tax return forms as well as all the supplementary forms. The module includes an adjusted profit computation and a capital allowances program. Small companies marginal relief and non-corporate distributions are calculated automatically. ProTax CTSA also enables the user to submit all the necessary documents, including the computations and accounts, online. The software is XBRL-enabled, ready for the new advances in Internet filing currently being finalised by the HMRC. Data is entered directly on to the tax return forms. Much of the data can be drawn from the Client Database module, which flows automatically into the rest of the system. Accounts details can be imported from Forbes Accounts, the companies new accounts production system, as well as from many other external accounts providers.
Support is as outlined under Forbes' entry in the personal tax section of this supplement.
Contact: Sales
Address: Forbes Computer Systems Ltd, 38 Station Road, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes MK17 8RU
Tel: 01908 584674
Cost: ProTax CTSA: from £95 plus VAT
Rec spec: Windows XP; 256mb RAM; 150mb hard disk space

CorTAX SA is MYOB's self assessment corporation tax software. Similar in style to PerTAX, it produces facsimile CT600 and supplementary forms CT600A, B, C, E, G and H and automatically calculates the corporation tax liability. The computations can be printed in draft form if required (with a simulated watermark showing 'draft'), and hyperlinks, shown as blue text, refer back to how the computation was carried out. The user can drill down from the computations. The software includes a comprehensive range of cross-referenced backing schedules.
Setting up a client is a speedy process, with only the client's name required for basic set up. Information can be entered using drop-down menus, or by drilling down from the relevant entry in the tax return. Alternatively, shortcut keys can be used to carry out all operations via the keyboard.
There is also a report pack built into CorTAX which gives a summary of each company, including variance reports, group overviews and loss schedules.
CorTAX SA handles long and short accounting periods, capital allowances, shadow advance corporation tax, foreign tax, close companies, dormant companies, groups, investment companies, hybrid companies and trading companies.
On-line help is available based on an Explorer tree structure, with hyperlinks to specific topics. The client file can be locked, so that the user can carry out work elsewhere, without colleagues in the office being able to make changes to the file.
Everything is extractable in pdf. The computation can be in Excel, should the user wish to carry out his own modelling. Returns can be filed online with pdf attachments.
CorTAX is aimed at small to medium sized firms, and does not claim to be a totally comprehensive corporation tax package which would suit an enormous plc. Its intention is to provide technical competence without overwhelming the user with features that he is rarely, if ever, likely to use. However, because of the flexible nature of the software, new features can be developed if clients call for them.
Contact: Marketing department — Accountants division
Address: MYOB, Westec House, West Gate, London W5 1YY
Tel: 020 8997 5500 Fax: 020 8998 0507
Cost: prices on application
Rec spec: Windows 2000 and above; hardware, memory and disk space depend on the number of users, clients, etc

Sage (UK) Ltd
Sage Corporation Tax Advanced (powered by Abacus) is a packaged product powered by Deloitte LLP's Abacus technology. Sage has an arrangement with Deloitte to sell Sage Corporation Tax Advanced and Lite (powered by Abacus) to accountants. The powerful Sage Corporation Tax Advanced (powered by Abacus) package for general UK corporation tax includes a comprehensive tracking and administration database for management reporting. In addition, risk management, group and advanced plus modules are available. The software provides a transparent 'real-time' tax calculation which allows users to insert additional pre-customised schedules or user defined schedules into the pro formas as required, which automatically link and reference to existing schedules.
The general corporation tax version has an impressive range of standard schedules covering trading, investment and multiple trade companies, and more specialist companies, e.g. ring-fence companies. It copes with long and short periods of account. Other features include full automatic recalculation, automatic error trapping, deferred tax calculations, automatic quarterly instalment calculations, daily interest calculations on late paid tax and automated cross-referencing of all standard schedules. The risk module enables a full audit trail, on-screen reviewing using queries within data cells and also has a set of schedules for estimating future payments on account required under corporation tax self assessment. The software supports filing by Internet.
The group module provides an up-to-date tax position for groups of any size, and allows the control of group relief, group payment allocations and advance corporation tax, shadow advance corporation tax, and eligible unrelieved foreign tax surrenders between group members. The module also assists with notional intra-group transfers. The underlying individual group company computations are updated automatically at the request of the user. A set of deferred tax schedules summarises the information contained in the underlying computations and calculates the aggregate group tax position.
Some more complex group functionality requires the risk and/or advanced plus modules.
For ease of data collection, an Excel workbook can be produced from within the software. It contains the previous year's company tax details for comparisons and once the current details are completed (by clients, or other members of staff) this can be imported back into the corporation tax working file, speeding up the whole computation process and ensuring accuracy of data. Comprehensive accounts data transfers from both Sage final accounts packages provides another method of quick, secure data entry.
On-screen help, manuals, newsletters, seminar programmes and product review groups as well as telephone hotlines are also available.
Sage Corporation Tax Lite (powered by Abacus) is a slimline version of Sage Corporation Tax Advanced (powered by Abacus). It is aimed at users with limited corporation tax knowledge or those with large volumes of small, simple returns. It allows quick and efficient production of high quality output for those returns requiring very little data input and minimal detail. This package also has a comprehensive tracking and administration module and supports filing by Internet.
Contact: Accountants division sales department
Address: Sage (UK) Ltd, Accountants Division, Building 3, Exchange Quay, Salford Quays, Manchester, M5 3ED
Tel: 0845 111 11 11
Cost: Sage Corporation Tax Advanced (powered by Abacus) from £1,200; Sage Corporation Tax Lite (powered by Abacus) from £555
Rec spec: Windows 2000/XP; 512mb RAM; 30gb hard disk space

Employment packages

Suppliers of employment tax packages are numerous, and the following reviews are a selection of just a few available. The suppliers range from one-man bands and niche software companies up to the big four firms of accountants and mainstream software companies. The products accordingly range in capability: some deal with every aspect of dealing with benefits and expenses removing all the hard work from dealing with forms P11D and related matters, while others are straightforward pay-as-you-earn calculators which tell the employer how much tax and National Insurance should be paid on an employee's salary. Full-scale human resource and payroll software products are not covered in this supplement.

Deloitte's P11D Benefits in Kind product is a scalable, powerful and flexible compliance and reporting system and is licensed by more than 200 large companies across all industry sectors. It handles all P11D reportable benefits, and produces information for HMRC and employees in various printed and electronic formats, including e-mail, online services and intranet publication.
The software produces forms P11D and P46(Car), configurable employee letters, and files for magnetic media/online services submission to HMRC. It also calculates the cash equivalents for all benefits, and copes with multi-employee benefits and multi-access, and produces a full range of management reports, e.g. Class 1A National Insurance contributions by employee or benefit. User-defined reports can be printed and exported.
Information can be carried forward from one year to the next, and new data can be added through intuitive benefits screens, or using the flexible importer from spreadsheets and most payroll packages.
The software comes with initial training, full hotline support and regular updates.
Contact: Richard Scammell
Address: Deloitte & Touche LLP, 180 Strand, London WC2R 1BL
Tel: 020 7303 3678 Fax: 020 7303 4048
Cost: Price on application
Rec spec: Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP 2003 Server; Pentium II or higher; 512mb RAM; 100mb hard disk space

FleetPro Technical Services Ltd
FleetPro replaced its DriveSmart and FleetPro software products with SmartFleet, a web service. This provides an online calculation service on company car benefit and car fuel benefit for most new cars currently sold in the UK. It shows whether a company car driver would benefit from taking a cash allowance rather than a company car, using either a cash allowance supplied by the user or by calculating the allowance required if it not already known.
The service can perform instant lease versus buy calculations to identify the most tax-efficient way for a company to fund a company car, taking account of the 50% restriction on the recovery of  VAT on lease rentals and the restriction on tax relief for expensive leased cars.
FleetPro has a distribution agreement with CAP Motor Research Ltd to include its database of cars, including prices, options, equipment lists, residual values, running costs and carbon dioxide emissions.
Online help screens, and a helpdesk are available. The website also has a complete online library covering the tax rules on company cars.
Contact: Russell Thoms
Address: FleetPro Technical Services Ltd, PO Box 103, Twickenham TW2 5RT
Tel: 020 8893 8053 Fax: 020 8893 8054
Cost: SmartFleet — usage based
Rec specs: Internet access

Keytime's P11D Calculator calculates all taxable benefits, and produces HMRC standard forms P11D. It is a multi company product and has no limits on numbers of employees.
On-line help is available, and the form creator ensures that only the relevant sections of the form for each individual are completed. Year end returns can be filed electronically. Multi-user version is available for up to five users.
Contact: Sales
Address: Keytime, Pennine House, Chadderton, Oldham, Lancs OL8 1QG
Tel: 0845 456 3103 Fax: 0845 456 3104
Cost: P11D Calculator: single user — £160 plus VAT including support; multi-user — £320 plus VAT for up to five users
Rec spec: Windows 2000 and above; Pentium; 128mb RAM; 500mb hard disk space

Personal Audit Systems Ltd

Personal Audit Systems Ltd began writing human resource software in 1996. It also provides a full consultancy service on information technology and benefit-in-kind related issues.
P11D Organiser is the benefits and expenses system. It does everything necessary to complete forms P11D. As well as producing HMRC forms P11D, P9D, and P46(car), the system provides full details of benefits and expenses calculations to employees in user-friendly employee benefit statements, calculates Class 1A National Insurance contributions, and produces output VAT reports for car fuel benefits.
In addition it deals with ITEPA 2003, Part 5 expenses claims, generates management reports of expenses for individuals, and processes any dispensations, etc. It can produce standard letters, and has a mailmerge facility.
It is a standalone system, but it can import data from any accounts, payroll or personnel package. Audit trails are provided, and information can be password protected. Filing by Internet is supported by the software and forms can also be e-mailed to employees.
The system comes with an online manual and training. Online help screens, telephone hotlines, Internet assistance, customer user groups, and newsletters are also included. A demo copy, the complete product, updates, and the user manual can be downloaded from the website.
Contact: Jas Jhooty
Address: Personal Audit Systems Ltd, Greenheys Business Centre, Manchester Science Park, 10 Pencroft Way, Manchester M15 6JJ
Tel: 0161 288 2388
Cost:  £249 plus VAT for 50 P11Ds, £349 plus VAT for 100 P11Ds, £2.50/P11D thereafter
Rec spec:  Windows 2000/XP; 256mb RAM; 150mb hard disk space

PKF P11D Software
PKF P11D Employers Pack provides a flexible solution for both corporate users and accountants in practice. Corporate clients tend to use the software throughout the year to record benefits and expenses as they are paid, making year end returns a press of a button. However, the flexible import routines also allow data to be imported from other systems or spreadsheets at any time, a particular benefit to those just running the software at year end, and for accountants in practice.
The software incorporates a detailed employee advice form, which fulfils legal requirements for providing employees with their P11D information, and also explains in detail how benefit values have been calculated.
The system supports filing by internet, which was successfully used by many clients in 2004-05. In addition the software provides full calculation of benefit values, allowance for partial or full dispensations, pay-as-you-earn settlement agreements, a fleet management module, and extensive validation of data prior to final output.
Updated annually, the PKF software allows users to choose which items and employee data to carry forward from year to year, automatically removing employees who have left, or benefits surrendered.
A demo version of the software is available online or on disk. Support is included in the price and is provided by online context sensitive help files, a full printed manual and tax guide, and free telephone support.
Contact: Jenny Mason
Address: PKF, Farringdon Place, 20 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3AP
Tel: 0800 100 7113
Cost: From £140
Rec spec: Windows 2000/XP, 128mb RAM, 150mb disk space

PTP Software Ltd
Tax Expense collects and reports benefits and expenses throughout the year for completion of forms P11D. The various related forms, i.e., P11D, P11D(b) and P46(Car) can be produced. The system distinguishes between taxable and non-taxable expenses, and those covered by dispensations and pay-as-you-earn settlements. Class 1A National Insurance calculations are also performed.
Two versions of the software are available: one for advisers, which produces the forms only, and one for employers, which can track expenses through the year and then produce the forms.
PTP Payroll is aimed mainly at small employers who wish to file online. The software deals with all tax and National Insurance calculations, as well as statutory sick, maternity and paternity pay. Payslips can be produced as required. As with Tax Expense, there is an advisers' version and an employers' version. The former allows advisers to process a number of clients' payroll, depending on the licence taken, while the latter is a single version for only one payroll.
Contact: Sales department
Address: PTP Software Ltd, 10 Lakesmere Close, North Oxford Business Centre, Kidlington, Oxford 0X5 1LG
Tel: 01865 370470
Fax:  01865 370270
Cost: Tax Expense: employers' version — £150 plus VAT to £499 plus VAT; advisers' version — £99 plus VAT to £325 plus VAT. PTP Payroll: employers version — £49 plus to £99 plus VAT; advisers' version — £99 plus VAT to £325 plus VAT
Rec spec: Windows XP; Pentium; 128mb RAM; 500mb hard disk space

QTAC Solutions Ltd
First developed in 1984, QTAXPro calculates the tax and National Insurance due on a net salary figure using a net or gross salary figure, something which would otherwise be a nightmare task. The user enters the information where indicated, and the software does all the hard work. It handles multiple weeks of pay, contracted in and out National Insurance codes, K tax codes, directors' National Insurance, and has tax and National Insurance contribution tables going back to 1999-2000. The user can print a report of the details, or a payslip, and help screens are available at every stage. The software can be customised to take account of up to a hundred deductions and additions.
The product can be downloaded from the website. All that is needed to get the program working is a user pin number, and this is available by calling QTAC. The program is also on CD-ROM. This software is extremely simple to use, and is very good value for money. In addition, the company produces QTAC Payroll Professional, a fully featured, high benefit suite for companies employing 200 to 2000, and bureaux up to 10,000 employees, QTAC Payroll Manager which is a full payroll package, QTAC Payroll Assistant which is an advanced calculator, and The Payroll Bureau@QTAC offers a payroll bureau service.
Contact: Mark Smith
Address: QTAC Solutions Ltd, Qtac House, Kingsfield Lane, Longwell Green, Bristol BS30 6DL
Tel: 0117 935 3500 Fax: 0117 935 3545
Cost: From £90 plus VAT per single user copy
Rec spec: Windows 95 or higher; IBM compatible PC; 32mb RAM; 15mb hard disk space

Launched in 1995, P11D Manager 2004/2005 produces HMRC approved forms P11D, P11D(b), P9D, P46 (car) and Class 1A National Insurance reports. It integrates fully with Personal Tax Manager Professional.
The software calculates Class 1A National Insurance, and contains references to the relevant legislation. A range of benefit calculations are included, such as cars (including calculation of carbon dioxide emissions), vans and fuel, relocation expenses, medical insurance, beneficial loans and living accommodation.
Data entry is done using a navigation panel which helps the user find his way around the package. The relevant data can be transferred from year to year, and information can be entered whenever it is convenient to the individual user. Data can also be imported and transferred from other products to reduce set-up time.
Contact: Jan Brookshaw
Address: Taxshield11 — 12 Hingley Street, Cradley Heath, Warley, West Midlands, B64 5LA
Tel: 0870 6091918
Fax: 01384 455991
Cost: From £80 (ex VAT) plus £1 for each form P11D up to 500 forms, then 75p per P11D for the next 500 forms, and 50p for any remaining forms
Rec spec: Windows 95 and above; 64mb RAM and 60mb hard disk space

The Hessel Group
The Hessel Group has been producing software used to track and report employee benefits for relocation and costs for international assignments for 11 years. The software, RMS (Relocation Management System) prepares the P11D/PSA/W2 reports and is a full 32 bit Windows product with an open architecture database, which allows information from or to other packages to be imported or exported.
The software shows eligible expenses under the statutory £8,000 limit and amounts chargeable to tax. Data is extrapolated to show total expenses paid to individual employees, amounts paid in excess of the statutory limit and the amount of grossed up tax due. Gross-ups can be calculated at marginal rates or by using tax tables.
A P11D tax report worksheet is included, which can show either no gross-up, a fixed rate gross-up or tax table calculation for dealing with those employees whose relocation expenses and benefits move them from the standard to the higher rate of tax. In addition the software will produce PAYE settlement agreement reports. Calculations and reports are produced at the touch of button.
The package charged on a 'per move' basis. Moves can be purchased in blocks. It comes with a manual on CD, and training is available at a cost of £1,000 a day. In addition, there is a help desk, website, seminar groups, and an annual client conference at a prestigious location.
Contact: Geoff Davidson
Address: The Hessel Group, PO Box 139,    Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 1WW
Tel: 01892 669901
Cost: RMS priced per move with discounts available for larger volumes
Rec spec: Windows XP; Pentium 4; 256mb RAM, 50mb hard disk space

Electronic information

Publishers of online products and other electronic information aim to produce solutions which enhance the traditional reference books or even render them of secondary importance. The advantages of these products include speedy access to databanks of information, with rapid searching facilities and the ability to copy and add to the stored details.

CompuCraft Ltd
TaxHub is an internet-based information service for the busy tax practitioner containing a wealth of varied material including:

  • over 130,000 informative summaries of articles from the 50 main tax and accountancy publications including Taxation, TAXline, Tax Adviser and The Tax Journal, dated from 1991;
  • links to the full text of the journals where available;
  • full text indexing to the HMRC guidance manuals, incorporating standardisation of all legislation references;
  • a private jottings facility allowing users to add their own material together with links to relevant documents held in-house or on the Internet, providing an immediate means of sharing information throughout the firm;
  • a public community area which allows users to publish queries, tax tips or full articles, to add to existing threads or to make direct contact with other users (all items added and all contacts can be anonymous if required);
  • instant searching of the HMRC website.

Enquiries are made by simply entering one or more keywords using a Google-like interface. All queries make use of two unique features:

  • an association table e.g. searching for 'offshore trust' automatically finds references to 'non-resident/offshore/overseas settlement/trust';
  • tax-intelligence e.g. searching for 'ICTA 1988 s 556' recognises 'Taxes Act 88 sections 555-557' as a hit!

Contact: James MacKenzie
Address: CompuCraft Ltd, 38 Fir Tree Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV3 8AN
Tel: 01902 342154
Cost: from £150 plus VAT
Rec spec: Internet access

FT Interactive Data
Securities Taxation CD Services
FT Interactive Data provides an authoritative range of securities taxation information with complete coverage of all UK and Irish listed securities and comprehensive international dividends. With the huge quantity of information contained, the services are offered as two monthly updated CD-ROMs: Securities Taxation UK and Irish Service and Securities Taxation International Dividend Service. The complete service is split into ten modules, and it is possible to subscribe to just those sections of the CDs that the user requires. The service is also available in print.
Features available on the Securities Taxation CD Services include:

  • all databases searchable by company name, security type, SEDOL code, date, or free text;
  • capital gains tax indexation allowance calculator which automatically calculates correct indexation allowance factors for relevant dates;
  • historical dividend database going back to 1996-1997 for UK and Irish dividends and six years' rolling history for international dividends.

Securities Taxation UK and Irish CD Service
The Capital Gains Tax module contains full details of all securities quoted on the London and Irish stock exchanges, as well as unit trusts that have existed since 1982 for UK and 1974 for Irish users. The search engine allows the user to search by company name, SEDOL code or any other criteria that may appear in the record. The information supplied includes issuer name, security title, SEDOL code and the 31 March 1982 or 6 April 1974 base date for UK or Irish securities respectively. Capital events since 31 March 1982 are listed, e.g. scrip issues, rights issues, acquisitions, mergers, de-mergers, stock splits, consolidations, name changes and details of liquidations and official HMRC negligible value announcements are also included.
The Capital Gains Tax Exemptions module covers thousands of fixed interest and floating rate securities quoted on the London and Irish stock exchanges, separating those which are exempt from capital gains tax in the UK from those which are not. Details of unlisted corporate bonds offered as a cash alternative in the event of a take-over are also included. Each entry shows issuer name and security description, SEDOL code, interest date and final redemption and price.
The UK & Irish Dividend module includes dividends and interest payments for the London and Irish Stock Exchange listed securities since 1996-1997, as well as relevant capital events.
The Registrars' Service includes name, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, as well as email and internet addresses where available, for all registrars and transfer agents of London and Irish listed securities.

Securities Taxation International Dividend CD Service
The International Dividend and Interest Service is split into five sections: Europe, emerging markets, Japan, other countries, and United States and Canada. It contains six years' history for over 150,000 securities world-wide. These modules include issuer name and security description, with relevant payments and dates.

FT Interactive Data's services are widely used by accountants, solicitors, tax practitioners and stockbrokers. Any number of modules can be installed on a stand-alone personal computer or networked across local or wide area networks, and they are structured in such a way as to be suitable for all sizes of practices and companies. A quick reference guide and user manual are available and online help screens are incorporated. A dedicated support team will help with installation, technical or taxation information queries. All databases are updated monthly. A trial CD is available free of charge.
Contact (UK): Interactive Data (Europe) Ltd, Fitzroy House, Epworth Street, London EC2A 4DL
Tel: 020 7825 8100 Fax: 020 7608 2032
Contact (Ireland): Interactive Data (Ireland) Ltd, Park House, 195 North Circular Road, Dublin 7, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0)1 805 9147
Fax: +353 (0)1 805 9143
Cost: Dependant on the service and number of modules and licences required


LexisNexis Butterworths
The new LexisNexis Butterworths service is the culmination of more than two years of extensive customer consultation, rigorous testing and a significant financial investment by LexisNexis worldwide to provide the next generation of online information. Users now have a single point of access to hundreds of trusted tax and accountancy primary sources, such as Simon's Direct Tax Service, Tolley's Tax Annuals, De Voil Indirect Tax Service, The Yellow and Orange Tax Handbooks, as well as wide ranging source materials from Excise Duties Cases to Inland Revenue Manuals.
The LexisNexis Butterworths Tax Library contains a comprehensive collection of materials for the professional, including an extensive list of market leading tax titles. Specialist information on company law, trusts and estates and charities also form part of this library. Up-to-the-minute news and reports and an array of source materials such as case reports and legislation are also part of this library.
General Tax 1 gives users access to a huge range of material including: bulletins index, events listing, Everyform - Tax Forms, general case digests, key official journal materials, Tolley's Tax Guide, UK Act summaries, UK Bill summaries, UK journals index, UK legal news analysis, UK newspaper index, UK Parliament statutory instruments, UK regulatory materials summaries, UK statutory instrument summaries.
Key sources within General Tax 2 include Tolley's tax annuals covering income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax, value added tax and national insurance contributions and the Yellow Tax Handbook which provides up-to-date information on legislation relating to income tax, capital gains tax, corporation tax, national insurance contributions, tax credits, petroleum revenue tax and inheritance tax.
Key sources in General Tax 3 include Tolley's tax annuals, the Yellow Tax Handbook and Simon's Direct Tax Service.
Finally, key sources  within General Tax 4 include De Voils Indirect Tax Service and Simon's Direct Tax Service.
Contact: Customer services
Address: Halsbury House, 35 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1EL
Tel: 0800 00 7777
Internet: www.exploresinglesource
Cost: price on application
Rec spec: Browser Versions Netscape Navigator: 7.1 or above; Microsoft Internet Explorer: 6.0 or above (PC); Microsoft Internet Explorer:  5.2.3 or above (MAC)

International tax packages

Various packages can be purchased or subscribed to which provide guidance and tax planning assistance in the international tax arena.

Transfer Pricing Architect is a specialist tool for transfer pricing practitioners, first launched in 1998 in the United States. It deals with transfer pricing documentation and analysis. Other features include:

  • assistance with determining what transactions should be reviewed and the appropriate basis for pricing for those transactions;
  • provision of a framework for the economic analysis of transactions;
  • 16 country specific report templates designed to comply with documentation requirements.

The program is supplied on CD-ROM or can be downloaded from the Internet. A quick tour demonstration of the product is available online. It is accompanied by a manual, quick start guide and one day of installation and training. There are also online help screens, hotline support and customer user groups.
Contact: Richard Scammell
Address: Deloitte & Touche LLP, 180 Strand, London    WC2R 1BL
Tel: 020 7303 3678
Cost: price on application
Rec spec: Windows 2000/XP; Pentium II; 512mb RAM;  30mb hard disk space

IBFD Software Solutions
The IBFD is an independent, not-for-profit provider of research, (online) publications, software and training, specialising in the field of cross-border taxation. Over 50 researchers from more than 25 countries keep an extensive range of international taxation products up to date, including a daily news service.
It is widely accepted that globalisation of business will continue to grow; the natural consequence of this is the requirement to consider the tax impact of cross-border payments. The complexity of these transactions means that many are outside the scope of manual calculation. Not only this, but the implications of error or oversight are huge. In recognition of this the IBFD offers a range of software solutions which can be customised to meet individual requirements. By automating the often tedious tasks of establishing correct tax rates or performing repetitive calculations these solutions allow the user to concentrate on effective design and implementation.

International Tax Expert

  • Determines the most tax-efficient route for structuring a cross-border transaction by calculating every possible routing.
  • Covers all major cross-border payment streams: dividends, interest, royalties, management fees, capital gains, etc.
  • Calculates the overall tax burden for any cross-border payment.
  • Covers over 75 countries and will shortly cover more than 150.
  • Links to relevant IBFD online publications for supporting documentation, such as the original treaty text.
  • Updated on a regular basis for treaty rates and rule changes.


  • With a few simple questions, the system ensures VAT accuracy on all transactions.
  • Prevents inadvertent under-declarations and ensures full VAT deductibility on international purchase invoices.
  • Reduces time spent researching VAT issues and the cost of external advice.


  • Links to the user's ERP system to automatically analyse each transaction and deliver the compliant VAT rate, invoice text and reporting requirements.
  • VAT returns and other reporting requirements can be generated instantly for all EU member states (further member states will be added shortly).


  • Imports client data and automatically checks each transaction for compliance.
  • Auditors and controllers will be able to easily identify risk levels.

Contact: Customer Service Department
Address: IBFD Publications BV, PO Box 20237, 1000
 HE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31-20-554 0176 Fax: +31-20-622 8658

Distributed by LexisNexis
CalcTax is produced by Comtax AB in Sweden. It is an affordable computational personal computer system that calculates the taxation on cross-border repatriations of dividend, interest and royalty within an international company with its headquarters in UK.
In three steps, CalcTax presents the tax consequences on these payments from a United Kingdom perspective in relation to 120 countries of the world. CalcTax can also be used as a quick guide to withholding taxes, corporate tax rates, foreign tax credit provisions, tax sparing provisions etc. Two updated releases are issued each year.
Contact: Ian Wood
Address: Halsbury House, 35 Chancery Lane, London  WC2A 1EL
Tel: 020 7400 2500
Cost: price on application
Rec spec: Windows 98 and above; Pentium III, 128mb RAM; 50mb hard disk space

Distributed by LexisNexis
The Swedish company Comtax has, since 1985, been producing cross-border transaction software aimed primarily at multi-national companies, tax consultants, lawyers and banks. The Comtax System is a simulation tool containing a detailed database of tax rates, withholding rates and similar tax information for 120 countries, and can be customised to include countries of the user's choosing. All data is updated monthly, and can be downloaded from the Internet if wished.
The program simulates cross-border repatriation of dividends, interest and royalties with the aim of minimising tax. A company may, for example, consider an acquisition involving several companies. The user enters the necessary information to create a model representing the structure of the transaction. It may consist of an existing group structure and other relevant settings, such as different tax positions.
Once the relevant details of each company have been entered, the model can be used to provide the optimum or possible tax implications of the transaction. The calculations are performed in seconds, and provide a starting point for the planner to determine the optimum route for a company to take.
The calculations from the program are in an easy-to-read format, and graphics are available. The output can be exported to other applications to be used in reports or presentations.
Two additional modules are available, Capital Gains on Shares and Thin Capitalisation. These modules offer an automatic analysis on the implications of these rules on cross-border scenarios simulated in the Comtax System. Manuals are provided, and there are also on-line help, extended on-screen tooltips, a help desk, Internet assistance, newsletters, and seminar programmes.
Contact: Ian Wood
Address: Halsbury House, 35 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1EL
Tel: 020 7400 2500
Cost: price on application
Rec spec: Windows 98 and above; Pentium III, 128mb RAM; 50mb hard disk space

Sabrix, a US-based company, opened its UK office in February 2005. Sabrix provides powerful transaction tax software and tax research. The aim of the software is to allow the user to spend more time on company strategy rather than generating returns.
In essence, Sabrix determines, calculates and records tax for 140 countries and 11,500 jurisdictions in the US. The user can create a single source of record for all its transactions and sales, use and VAT details across a number of business systems. The data is stored on a single consolidated database which is accessed through a web browser. Tax rule and rate upgrades are provided on at least a monthly basis, and can also be configured to upload automatically. Data can be extracted for Excel, automated tax-return filing packages and custom reporting.
The Sabrix suite comprises a number of applications, but the most relevant one for the UK market is Sabrix VAT Manager. This handles dealing with the VAT accounting, e.g. input and out VAT, reverse charges and distance sales. It also copes with EU tax issues, such as triangulation, US imports and exports, and other international tax requirements. Sabrix incorporates the relevant laws derived from the Sixth Directive and individual EU member states.
The applications can be provided on CD, but most users download it from Sabrix's secure FTP site. The company provides comprehensive installation services and support, including on-site consulting, a hard copy or electronic manual, training, website, telephone helpline and online help screens. Demonstrations are available online and custom evaluations are available by request.
Contact: Stewart Nivison
Address: Sabrix Ltd, 2nd Floor, Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1J 6BD
Tel: 020 7887 6511
Cost: from £27,000
Rec spec: type, size and configuration of hardware  depends on user activity and transaction volume

Taxware LP
Taxware is a US based company which develops global transaction-based tax calculation and compliance systems. These are designed to simplify tax accounting procedures so that businesses around the world can minimise the risks and costs associated with sales/use tax, consumer's use tax, and VAT compliance.
Taxware Enterprise is an integrated tax calculation and compliance solution which automatically calculates taxes for sales, purchases and rentals. It covers all US and Canadian taxes as well as calculations of value added and other consumption taxes for over 100 countries.
Taxware continues to produce WorldTax which deals with cross-border and triangular trades, and generates detailed reports for Intrastat, the VAT Information Exchange and VAT returns. It effectively sits within the firm's existing accounting system. Data can be accessed for management review at any level of detail, and users can review and finalise transactions before the reporting stage, by placing partially-completed transactions in a temporary audit file.
WorldTax is aimed at any size firm which deals in overseas trading. It is available on CD-ROM, and updates for tables can be downloaded from the Internet.
For both solutions, support is provided in the guise of a manual (on-line or hard copy), website, helplines, customer user groups and newsletters.
Contact: Jim Panagas
Address: Taxware LP, 27 Congress Street, Salem, MA  01970, United States
Tel: 001 978-741-0101 Fax: 001 978-741-0222
Cost: Price on application

Other packages

4 Eyes Ltd — Tax Solutions
VAT Property Solutions has been developed for use by the construction sector, in response to requests from clients who wanted a solution to enable non-VAT specialists to decide the VAT treatment of a construction or refurbishment project. Using it at the appraisal stage means that potential errors can be ironed out and any available VAT savings should be maximised.
Accessed by log-on and password over a secure Internet connection, the system is very simple to use. The user responds to a series of questions about the project, e.g. what will be built/repaired or refurbished? what will be done with the finished building? The software works out what the VAT treatment will be, and provides an explanation.
All the technical jargon is explained, and copies of relevant certificates produced.
The software is maintained and updated centrally to take account of legislative changes, variations in Customs' policy and VAT tribunal decisions.
A manual is supplied, as is a help desk, customer website,
e-mail bulletin service, user groups, etc. Training on the software can be arranged.
Contact: Phillip Henwood
Address: 4 Eyes Ltd — Tax Solutions,  29 Dingley Lane, Streatham,  London SW16 1AZ
Tel: 07793 707 839
Cost: £750 a year for five user licence
Rec spec: An internet browser with either Internet Explorer or Netscape (version 5 or higher)


BBS Computing Ltd 
Tax Tips and Tools was developed in partnership between BBS Computing Group and the 2020 Innovation Group five years ago. The aim was to produce practical, easy to use software to the accounting profession and the company has been successful in doing this. In brief, Tax Tips and Tools, is a reasonably priced tax toolbox on a CD containing a wide variety of spreadsheet tools, tax marketing tools, letters, and computations highlighting some of the vagaries of the UK tax system that would be commonly met by the practitioner.
This year's version, Tax Tips and Tools 5, was launched in May 2005, with another update in July. The latest version has 76 practical tax tools including an IHT Calculator, Should I incorporate?, Car tax calculator, Maximum NI calculator, Admitting a partner, and Incorporation issues and elections. Updates are available over the Internet via a secure web site after registration of the product online.
A new product, Tax Tips and Tools — Ireland has been developed and will be launched in late September.
Tax Tips and Tools 4 won 'Best tax software' in the LexisNexis Taxation Awards 2005.
Contact: Kevin Salter
Address: BBS Computing Ltd, 30 Bear Street,  Barnstaple, Devon EX32 7DD
Tel: 01271 375271
Cost: Tax Tips and Tools 5 - £325 plus VAT (to include budget updates -certain models only); £275 plus VAT without budget updates. Discounted prices for prior purchasers and members of 2020 Innovation Group
Rec spec: Windows 2000/XP

beprofessional is a provider of business subscription software and services. The products compine the power of the Internet, comprehensive content and ease of use to help growing businesses solve their compliance needs.
Launched in 2002, with investment from Deloitte and City law firm Berwin Leighton Paisner, beprofessional provides services to over 17,000 growing businesses, 100 accountancy practices and partnership support to organisations such as Barclays, Business Link and the CBI.
Contact: Howard Rosenberg
Address: beprofessional, 1 Maltravers Street, London,  WC2R 3EE
Tel: 020 7240 7971 Fax: 020 7836 6217
Cost: price on application

EQL International Ltd
EQL International is Scotland's oldest established provider of e-learning solutions with titles in finance, accountancy and business related subjects.
Interactive Taxation Tutor is a highly interactive training package and covers personal and business tax in the United Kingdom. It comprises 21 modules, each relating to a different aspect of the UK tax system, e.g. corporation tax, unincorporated business tax losses, self assessment, capital gains tax, and VAT.
Each module takes between one and two hours to complete. Learning objectives are provided for each module, and a reporting module shows how the student is progressing through the material. The student works at his own pace, and can stop and start at any time. Manuals or workbooks, and training are not required as each module is self-explanatory. For ease of use, an online calculator, help, glossary and tax tables are included. A demo of the module can be downloaded from the EQL website.
In addition, EQL produces the ATT Tax product. This interactive training solution is designed for students studying on the Association of Taxation Technicians scheme. It guides students through a range of tax subjects with a whole module dedicated to examination format and tips to help the student with revision and exam preparation. In total, the product offers some 38 hours of tuition.
Contact: Karen King
Address: EQL International Ltd, 3 Michaelson Square, Kirkton Campus, Livingston, West Lothian,  EH54 7DP
Tel: 01506 472255 Fax: 01506 472266
Cost: contact
Rec spec: Windows 95 and above; Pentium 133; 16mb RAM; 25mb hard disk space per course

Profitsoft Ltd
Profitsoft Ltd has been developing premium added value software for accountants for six years. The company is associated with two independent accountancy practices, which assist in developing, testing and using the products, helping to ensure that they are effective in practice.
The software is supplied as the Tax Doctor package which includes four tax saving modules. Alternatively, each module can be bought separately. The four modules are:

  • Dividend Pro: Dividend v Bonus/Salary Tax Planner — this calculates the net amount receivable under dividend and bonus or salary for up to six shareholders, taking into account each individual's circumstances.
  • Inco Pro: Incorporation Tax Planning System — this tool shows the different tax, National Insurance and net income under incorporation for sole traders and partnerships.
  • Taxplan Pro: Pre Year-end Tax Planning System — this tool is for year-end planning on tax payable, accounting profit and cash flow. It calculates marginal rates of corporation tax and dividends carried forward.
  • Cartax Pro: Car Tax Reduction System (plus Free Log Sheet and Claim Form System) — this shows the best ways of saving tax, e.g. company car or additional salary over three years, and simplifies the record keeping process. It deals with owned, leased, contract hired, hire purchased, lease purchased or contract purchased cars, and assesses the depreciation, running costs, tax rates, allowances, VAT and National Insurance.

These tools are simple to use, and generate good quality tax and business reports in minutes. They are accompanied by user guides, presentation packs, promotional material, help screens, newsletters and hotline support. They can standalone or be used on a network, and are available on a free trial offer/money back guaranteed basis.
Contact: Kay Halliday
Address: Profitsoft Ltd, Cross Street Chambers, Cross Street, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF1 3BW
Tel: 01924 239919
Fax:  01924 376404
Cost: Tax Doctor — £245 plus VAT; individual products 

Issue: 4033 / Categories:
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