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News - In Parliament

27 November 2002
Issue: 3885 / Categories:

Unpaid NICs

The amount of unpaid National Insurance contributions written off for 1998-99 was £218 million, for 1999-2000 £188 million, and for 2000-01 £180 million, said Dawn Primarolo in reply to a written question. She said that contributions were likely to be written off where pursuit is unlikely to succeed, or where it is considered not to be cost effective, because perhaps the debtor has gone abroad.

(Source: Hansard, 20 November 2002, Vol 394, No 7, cols 191-192W.)

Customs advice

Unpaid NICs

The amount of unpaid National Insurance contributions written off for 1998-99 was £218 million, for 1999-2000 £188 million, and for 2000-01 £180 million, said Dawn Primarolo in reply to a written question. She said that contributions were likely to be written off where pursuit is unlikely to succeed, or where it is considered not to be cost effective, because perhaps the debtor has gone abroad.

(Source: Hansard, 20 November 2002, Vol 394, No 7, cols 191-192W.)

Customs advice

John Healey confirmed that Customs Extra-statutory Concession 3.5 in the March 2002 edition of Notice 48 applied to incorrect rulings given both in writing and orally by Customs.

(Source: Hansard, 20 November 2002, Vol 394, No 7, cols 189W.)

Issue: 3885 / Categories:
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