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In brief

20 February 2018
Issue: 4636 / Categories: News

Wales; ADIT results; Retail export scheme; Intangibles; OECD


The Welsh government is to put forward a tax on vacant land as the preferred option for testing its powers under the Wales Act 2014 to propose new devolved taxes. The vacant land tax was one of four new revenue-raising ideas shortlisted in October 2017. See here.


ADIT results

The Chartered Institute of Taxation announced that 309 candidates passed at least one advanced diploma in international taxation (ADIT) exam in December 2017. Fully 190 students have completed the diploma in the past 12 months.


Retail export scheme

HMRC has published an update on its project to digitise the VAT retail export scheme system to improve the efficiency for retailers and travellers and also to reduce fraud. See here.



HMRC and the Treasury are inviting views on the corporate intangibles regime and reforms to support its...

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