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Attack the jack

Posted: 07 September 2012
Author: Daniel

When it comes to putting away Pimm's and quiche, the Taxation editorial crew has mad skillz, yo.

They were in full effect yesterday at Maven Partners' excellent summer jolly in Finsbury Square, where Mike, Allison, Richard and I did not disgrace ourselves in the lawn bowls tournament.

Not that we won. (We'd forgotten our sunglasses/not warmed up properly/had a few.)

The victors styled themselves The Tax Disallowables, and were Leif Selby/Jo Edwards wannabes from Ernst & Young.

This is them with their trophy. Left to right: Craig (getting married next month), Fran (bit of a wine buff), Alex (lives in Camberwell) and Lewis (keeps the latest copy of Taxation on his coffee table).

Your favourite magazine's team is set on toppling EY from the top in next year's bias-rollin', jack-kissin' skirmish (as long Maven Partners will have us back).

Plans are already afoot here at Quadrant House to erect an all-weather practise green from out-of-date copies of the Yellow and Orange books.


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